专业名称:master of social sciences ﹙msocsc﹚ in meia management 媒体管理
雅思要求:an overall ielts ban score of 6.5. 雅思总分6.5
introuction to meia management媒体管理简介
corporate financial management公司财务管理
strategic management an business policy战略管理和商业政策
global marketing strategy全球营销策略
professional seminar & application project专业研讨会和应用项目
optional moules﹙选修﹚:
founations of communication stuy传播学基础
approaches & methos in communication research传播研究的途径与方法
issues in intercultural communication跨文化交际中的问题
meia an communication in chinese societies中国社会的媒体与传播
issues in corporate communication 公司沟通中的问题
globalization of meia & communication组织沟通
organizational communication交流活动研讨会
communication campaign workshop传播学基础
meia law & ethics媒体法律与道德
issues an cases in mass communication大众传播中的问题与案例
new meia workshop新媒体研讨会
avertising management广告管理
writing for multimeia in public relations公共关系多媒体写作
meia markets媒体市场
strategic public relations an crisis management 战略公关与危机管理
meia policies & regulations媒体政策和法规
communication technologies & meia organizations通信技术和媒体组织
consumer insights消费者洞察
international avertising国际广告
public aministration & the meia公共行政与媒体
avertising in china在中国做广告
political communication & public opinion政治传播与舆论
youth, meia an consumption青年,媒体和消费
social meia marketing社交媒体市场营销
social services marketing an communication社会服务营销和沟通
social meia an online social networks社交媒体和在线社交网络
using social networks: for communications professional使用社交网络:通信专业人士
avertising an society广告与社会
ata visualization数据可视化
big ata analytics for meia an communication用于媒体和通信的大数据分析
communication an technology通信和技术
new meia esign an communication新媒体设计与传播