专业名称:ma creative meia 创意媒体
雅思要求:overall ban 6.5 in international english language testing system ﹙ielts﹚ 雅思总分6.5
meia cultures媒体文化
introuction to critical meia stuies关键媒体研究导论
igital auiovisual culture数字视听文化
philosophy of technology an new meia技术哲学与新媒体
arts management an curatorship艺术管理和策划
critical theory for contemporary curators当代策展人批判理论
global communication全球传播
inepenent stuy独立研究
topics in meia art媒体艺术专题
topics in meia history an theory媒体史和理论的话题
gener in popular meia流行媒体中的性别
inepenent chinese cinema独立中国电影
the cultures of isney迪士尼文化
social meia an igital humans社交媒体和数字人类
contemporary an new meia: an archaeological stuy当代与新媒体:考古学研究
research project in meia stuies媒体研究研究项目
introuction to critical meia stuies介绍关键媒体研究
critical luology: games, playability an new meia art批判流言:游戏,可玩性和新媒体艺术