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相信大家最近都已经陆陆续续收到了心仪的美国学校Offer。 对此,美国驻华大使泰里·布兰斯塔德发文表示祝贺和关怀!



I want to congratulate all the stuents in China who have receive offers of amission from one of the over 4,700 colleges an universities in the Unite States. As a former university presient myself, I can tell you with confience that stuying in the Unite States will be an experience that will change your life.


For you an your families here in China, there is no better investment for your future than getting an American eucation. You will learn to think critically an to be innovative. You will be able to perfect your English. You will make contacts an evelop job skills that will shape your career for ecaes to come. An perhaps most important, you will learn what it takes to operate successfully in the worl’s two largest economies - the Unite States an China.


I amire the sacrifices you an your families mae to get to this point. Grauates of U.S. universities have gone on to become leaers an innovators in many fiels aroun the worl, an you shoul be prou of the invitation to join this special an select group of young people whose lives will be change forever by the ynamism, openness, an quality of campuses across the Unite States.


Offers of amission are the prouct of much careful thought an har work, both by the stuents who apply an by American colleges an universities that conuct a rigorous review of these applications. We recognize the energy an creativity you poure into essays about your reams an ieas, the har work it took to prepare for English language an other examinations, an the commitments you fulfille to community service an extra-curricular interests.


Over one million international stuents are now in U.S. higher eucation institutions, maintaining the Unite States’ long-staning position as the worl’s top host nation for international stuents. This is a testament to the unmatche quality of American higher eucation in the eyes of international stuents an their families.


International stuents strengthen ties between the Unite States an countries aroun the worl, eveloping the relationships between people an communities that are necessary to solve global challenges. We value inclusion, an actively support stuents from iverse backgrouns on our campuses. Colleges an universities across the Unite States value international stuents for the unique an iverse perspectives you provie both in an out of the classroom. American universities an communities benefit from the knowlege an talents of international stuents, which helps prepare all of us for share, successful futures in an interconnecte worl.

译:国际学生加强美国与世界各国的关系,发展人民和社区之间的关系,这些关系对于解决全球挑战是必需的。在我们的校园里,我们重视包容性,并积极支持来自多元背景的学生。在美国各地的学院和大学重视国际学生,因为你们在教室内外皆带来独特而多元的视角。美国的大学和社区得益于国际学生的知识与才华,这帮助我们所有人 为互联互通的世界中人人共享的成功未来做好准备。

U.S. colleges an universities take prie in proviing safe, welcoming environments for all their stuents. My avice to you is simple. Take the time to become a part of your community when you get there. Make new friens from aroun the worl. Get to know some local families. Explore the town or city where you live. The college experience in the Unite States is about more than just our classrooms. It’s also about the iversity of our nation an our local communities. I know if you make the effort to get to know them, you will be welcome with open arms.


Consular officials in China an at American embassies an consulates aroun the worl continue to work iligently to process stuent visa requests, an information about the visa process is available at official website of U.S. Visas an official website of U.S. Embassy.


EucationUSA avisers in China are reay to answer questions about stuying in the Unite States. You can fin an avising center at official website of EucationUSA. For those still consiering stuy in the Unite States, EucationUSA avisers can provie valuable resources to help inform your ecision. With over 4,700 accreite institutions in all 50 U.S. states, there’s an American college or university that’s right for everyone. There are stuy options at many price points, incluing community colleges an “2 plus 2” moels that combine stuy at a community college an a four year institution to earn a bachelor’s egree.

译:EucationUSA中国的顾问们愿意回答有关在美国学习的问题。你们可以在EucationUSA官方网站找到咨询中心。对于那些仍在考虑是否到美国学习的人,EucationUSA的顾问们可以提供宝贵的资料来帮助你们做决定。在美国所有50个州拥有的4700多所认证院校中,每一个人都可以找到一所适合的美国学院或大学。有价格的选择,包括社区学院和“2 + 2”模式,这种模式结合了在社区学院和四年制院校的学习,以获得学士学位。

As the U.S. Ambassaor to China, I personally congratulate an encourage those of you who have receive offers of amission to accept this life-changing opportunity an join your peers in experiencing the unique value of an American higher eucation.


另外,泰里·布兰斯塔德的履历可谓是相当精彩 ↓↓↓

→ 2016年12月7日,布兰斯塔德州长宣布他接受了当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的提名,担任美国驻中华人民共和国大使。他于2017年5月22日得到参议院确认,并于2017年5月24日宣誓就职。

→ 泰里·布兰斯塔德大使在艾欧瓦出生、长大并接受教育。布兰斯塔德是利兰本地人,于1972年、1974年和1976年当选艾欧瓦众议院议员,并于1978年当选艾欧瓦副州长。

→ 布兰斯塔德是艾欧瓦任职时间最长的州长,任期从1983年至1999年。作为州行政长官,他经受住了80年代农场危机期间艾欧瓦的一些最严重的经济动荡,并在90年代帮助领导本州复苏成为蓬勃发展的经济体。

→ 在他任职结束时,艾欧瓦获得了创纪录的就业水平、前所未有的9亿美元的预算盈余,并颁布了历史性的政府改革,从而提高了州政府的效率。由于布兰斯塔德州长对经济发展采取了亲力亲为和夜以继日的工作方式,艾欧瓦的失业率从他上任时的8.5%降至1999年他离任时2.5%的创纪录低点。

→ 在担任州长四个任期之后,布兰斯塔德出任迪莫因大学(DMU)校长。在任的6年里,他将该大学发展成为世界一流的教育机构。其毕业生在全部50个州和艾欧瓦的几乎所有县提供保健服务。在那里任职期间,他提高了入学率,增加了捐款并引入了新建筑、项目和倡议。

→ 2009年10月,布兰斯塔德感觉到需要改变州政府的运作方式,并希望“领导艾欧瓦的复兴”,他从DMU退休,并于2010年当选为州长。

→ 在他第二次担任艾欧瓦州长期间(从2010年至2017年),布兰斯塔德州长签署了一个得到立法机构通过的为期两年、预期目标5年的预算计划,这在数十年里尚属首次。这一预算为艾欧瓦的公司提供了其增长所需的可预测性和稳定性。布兰斯塔德州长还将对艾欧瓦基础设施的历史性投资签署为法律,投资涵盖艾欧瓦的道路和桥梁,以及创新性的“连接每英亩土地计划”,该计划将高速宽带互联网扩展到艾欧瓦的农业、学校、公司和各家各户。

→ 2017年4月,艾欧瓦劳动力发展部宣布,艾欧瓦州的失业率已经下降到3.1%,远低于全国平均水平,是全国的第八低。

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