芝加哥大学 (University of Chicago)
芝加哥市, 伊利诺伊州
项目名称: Masters Program in Computer Science
所属学院: Physical Science Division
每年学费: $6,157/course
项目时长:9-15 months
标化成绩:GRE Q80%
语言成绩: TOEFL 90 , IELTS 7
- The MPCS program has prerequisites in both programming and math.
- Programming Topics:
Data types (native and derived)
Operators, precedence, and expressions
Assignment and statements
Control flow (conditionals and iteration)
Functions, return types, and parameters
Console and file I/O
If you have a programming background that covers this material, you should take the programming placement exam at the start of your studies in the MPCS. Your background in programming can be from either academic coursework or work experience. A Computer Science undergraduate degree or formal education in CS/programming is not required for admission to the MPCS. - The math requirement can be completed as part of the MPCS coursework.Logic: propositional logic; quantifiers. Mathematical reasoning: methods of proof, direct proof and indirect proof. Mathematical induction and strong induction. Counting: methods of counting; permutations, combinations, binomial theorem, pigeonhole principle, inclusion-exclusion.
Discrete probability: discrete probability spaces; conditional probability and independence; Bernoulli trials, Bayes’s theorem, random variables and expected value; variance, geometric and binomial distributions.
Asymptotic notation.
Recurrences and methods of solving recurrences.
Graphs: simple graphs, isomorphism, paths, trees.
Modular arithmetic, divisibility, prime numbers; GCD and Euclid’s algorithm, Fermat’s little theorem.
Familiarity with sets, functions, and relations will be assumed.
If you have a mathematics background that covers this material, you should take the math placement exam at the start of your studies in the MPCS. - Students who are transitioning into computer science and do not have a background in programming will need to take our introductory programming class MPCS 50101 Concepts of Programming offered in the Autumn or Winter quarters.
- Select Program of Study
- Essay questions
- Resume/CV
- Three recommendation letters
- Transcripts