康奈尔大学 (Cornell University)
伊萨卡, 纽约州
项目名称:DMS in AIS & IS
所属学院: JTCI
每年学费: $62,456
项目时长:2 years
标化成绩:GRE Q155-168, V154-168
语言成绩: TOEFL 100, IELTS 7.5
- Master of Science in Applied Information Science (Technion) & Master of Science Information Systems (Cornell) with a Concentration in Connective Media.
- While formal academic backgrounds in science or engineering are preferred, they are not required. We will take into account personal or professional experience in mathematics, economics, physical sciences, or other quantitative disciplines. Essentially, your application should demonstrate somehow that you will be able to successfully complete the computer science component of the curriculum, as well as your interest in the human and social aspects of it.
- In particular, for the personal statement, feel free to elaborate on technical projects you have completed, their creative and technical aspects; any entrepreneurial or leadership experiences; your professional career goals; the benefit you envision being part of the tech ecosystem in New York City; and, why this program is the one for you.