康奈尔大学(Cornell University),位于美国纽约州伊萨卡,当地湖光山色,风景秀丽,幅员辽阔。作为美国的一所私立研究型大学,是常春藤联盟成员校、国际大学气候联盟成员校、美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一。
What is your full name and preferred nick name?
Short term and long term goal.
If you could be extremely talented at something,what would you choose to be skilled at and why?
去一个地方过一周假期,where and why?
An experience work or study in a diverse environment.
How do your closest friends describe you?
Prefer to work in the U.S or internationally?
What's your favorite restaurant and why are you enjoying going there?
What’s your favorite course?
Favorite movie and why?
Who’s your favorite professor and 带给你了什么正面影响?
how do you see MBA is going to help you?
What is your strategy in achieving plan A / What if you cannot be successful in achieving plan A/What is your back up plan?
Are you planning to do anything before your MBA starts?
tell me some of the challenges you have seen in your career.
In what company would you like to work?
Tell me about a challenging situation at work or a work conflict.
tell me something about yourself.
What is your proudest assignment/project at university?
Experience about taking a leadership role.
Preferred work in a team or individually?
Why do you think this is a good time for you to pursue a graduate degree?
How graduate study further your career interest?
Unusual food you ever ate.
A time your view was completely changed.
Activities you do for fun and what it says about you?
If get accepted by this program, how to introduce yourself to the schoolmates?
What is your role in your internship experiences and how do they prepare you for your graduate study/future development?
你本科的学习怎样prepare你进入graduate study?
(1) 本科专业设置:
1 Dyson学院
BS,Applied Economics and Management应用经济与管理
2 Nolan学院
BS,Hotel Administration酒店管理
(2) 硕士专业设置:
1 Dyson学院
MPS in Applied Economics and Management应用经济与管理硕士(STEM)一年制
MS in Applied Economics and Management应用经济与管理硕士(STEM)两年制
2 Nolan学院
Master of Management in Hospitality酒店管理硕士
MS in Hotel Administration酒店管理硕士(偏学术研究)
Baker Program in Real Estate房地产硕士
3 Johnson学院
MS in Business Analytics商业数据分析硕士(STEM)
MPS in Management-Accounting Specialization管理学硕士-会计方向(STEM)
MPS in Management管理学硕士(STEM)
Two-Year MBA两年制工商管理硕士(STEM)
One-Year Johnson Cornell Tech MBA一年制技术工商管理硕士(STEM)
Cornell Executive MBA Americas行政工商管理硕士(美洲)
Cornell Executive MBA Metro New York行政工商管理硕士(纽约)
Executive MBA/MS in Healthcare Leadership医疗保健行领导双学位EMBA/MS
Cornell-Tsinghua Finance MBA金融工商管理双学位(康奈尔/清华)
Cornell-Peking MMH/MBA酒店管理/工商管理双学位(康奈尔/北大)