哥伦比亚大学Video Essay面试题目汇
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哥伦比亚大学Video Essay面试题目汇


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Video Essay (视频文书) 又称机面,不同于常规的“in-person interview”(即人面),可以理解为一个“自我介绍”性质的短视频,是一种给招生官展现自我的方式,对申请者的应变能力要求较高。Video Essay 每题只给申请者极短的准备时间,并要求在时间范围内作答。通常情况下,每一次的Video Essay都会随机抽取3个问题,每个问题只有1次回答机会。

哥大SPS学院(School of Professional Studies)的Video Essay是一个新近增加的项目,它要求申请人用一分钟的时间回答一个随机的问题,且只有一分钟的时间作为准备。

哥大比较特殊的一点就在于它要求的Video Essay是要现场发挥的,而不是像其他学校一样可以提前录制好视频并上传到YouTube即可。但就算如此,大家也可以提前准备,大家可以提前去找一些面试题目来练习一下,锻炼自己的临场发挥能力和口语表达能力,且有一些话题提前准备了可能也是可以套用到不同题目中去的。重点就在于大家一定要自信,且要说满一分钟,不要有太多的磕磕绊绊。


哥大video essay

  1. 你本科阶段(印象最深/获益最大)的一门课程是什么?

  2. 工作上遇到最困难的事?

  3. How can you determine the accuracy of the statement of a fact?

  4. 觉得自己内向还是外向?why?

  5. What moral dilemma you faced recently?

  6. 一个你的family tradition

  7. 大学教育中认为最棒的部分是什么?你本科阶段(印象最深/获益最大)的一门课程是什么?

  8. describe your ideal work environment.

  9. How do you motivate yourself when you are assigned a task?

  10. Do you use emojis or emotions during communications? Why?你最喜欢用的emoji是什么?

  11. Last time did sth nice for stranger?

  12. What would you say is your biggest accomplishment?

  13. What is your favorite book and why

  14. Why are you interested in this program?

  15. tell me about your biggest weakness

  16. 对于一个非常重要的speech or TED,你会讲述什么?

  17. How do you handle peer pressure ?

  18. 如果你能改变自己的一个地方,你会改变什么

  19. What is your dream job?

  20. what is your favourite movie and why?*

  21. 你在团队竞赛还是个人比赛中perform better?

  22. How do you learn more about an intersting topic.

  23. What is an important celebration in your family?

  24. How would you like to change the world

  25. 介绍一个你hometown最popular的地方?为什么popular?

  26. 团队合作的活动以及遇到的挑战

  27. How do you get news

  28. What is the most important celebration in your family

  29. How do you get more information about an interesting topic?

  30. what is the worst advice you have ever received

  31. What do you see yourself in ten years?

  32. what is the most important issue in your hometown or neighborhood

  33. what the relationship between education and career success*

  34. 喜欢throw out things 还是 save things

  35. 你已经很努力但是最后还是失败了的一次经历

  36. difference between a good student and an exceptional students

  37. 你在博物馆见到的最有意思的事情是什么

  38. 你最喜欢的technology是什么?

  39. what assumption you make about people

  40. How do you conclude whether you agree or disagree with an idea

  41. 你谈判的过程与结果

  42. How you test the limit of your knowledge?

  43. How would you spend a surprise gift of $10,000/ 100,000?

  44. How would you feel if you spend one day without cell phone? One week?

  45. what is something that you proud of doing?

  46. What are your three greatest strengths?/three biggest weaknesses

  47. 如果你可以给年轻的你建议,你会给什么

  48. How do you maintain a balance between work and your personal life

  49. What is your view of class participation?

  50. What have you done thus far to prepare for yourapplication?

  51. Why are you interested in this program?

  52. 你做过让你觉得最像你自己的活动

  53. 大概是在pressure下你能表现得多好

  54. what inspired you?

  55. 你出色的完成了一个project之后,你认为让他人recognize你的成功重要吗?

  56. 对你有重要意义的地方*

  57. How important is social media to you? Love scenic spot

  58. talk about a conversation that is important to you?

  59. A professional role model**

  60. What is the skill or concept that you think all students should have in school?

  61. would you like to do multiple choice or write an essay, why?

  62. 如果你的好朋友在考试中作弊了你会怎么处理?

  63. 要change your opinion要采取什么方式?

  64. what do you think that everyone should have?

  65. What are the most important qualities in a good friend?

  66. 你能从graudate education里面得到什么?

  67. what is the one of the most memorable meals you ever had?

  68. How often do you leave your comfort zone?

  69. How do you convince someone to do things they don't want to do?

  70. what was your dream job when you were a child? And howdid it change through out the years?

  71. What's your favourite sports to watch and play,why?

  72. How do you make decisions?

  73. What would you do in a day with no plan?

  74. 工作中你喜欢竞争还是合作

  75. What is sth u wanted to learn but never had time? Why?

  76. where in the world you wanna travel to?

  77. what is the most successful project that u have completed and what made u successful

  78. how would you handle fame

  79. Name and describe three people whom you would like to meet for lunch

  80. What is your biggest challenge?

  81. How do you determine the success of a project?

  82. Your most embarrassing moment and what you learned from it

  83. 如果你是拥有无限资源的慈善家 philanthropist, what causes will you support?

  84. Describe something you are passionate about and what makes you interested.

  85. Your leadership style?

  86. Do you perform better when you are competing or

  87. If money wasn't an issue, what do you want to do for work?

  88. 描述一段难忘的经历

  89. describe your hometown

  90. your presentation experience

  91. 你最感激的事情是什么?

  92. Discrible a mistake you made in your past job. How do you fix it?

  93. What are people's assumptions about you?

  94. What's your favorite holiday tradition?

  95. favorite food

  96. 如果你中了彩票,赢了很大一笔钱,你会怎么使用它?当然每个学生抽到的问题不尽相同,同学们只要充分准备一定都是可以过五关斩六将的 ,祝福我们所有的学生都可以拿到自己心仪的offer哦

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