Prouct Pricing Data Analysis (group project) May 2020
•Preprocesse, classifie, visualize an analyze about 1 million pieces of ata of Mercari online secon-han
traing, an analyze the importance of preiction features with Python
•Establishe the prouct price preiction moel with ranom forest, XGBoost an other regression methos
•Mae the accuracy of the moel up to 79% base on cross valiation an root mean square error inex
Simulation Construction of Orer Book Jan.2020
•Use Python to simulate the transaction an cancellation of price limit an market price orer between biers
an askers to realize the upate an presentation of orer book
•Generate transaction ata base on multiple Hawkes process an apply it to the entruste leger
The Interisciplinary Contest in Moeling (ICM) Jan. 2018
•Base on the structural imension an the impact of climate change, use the entropy algorithm to give weight
to the evaluation inicators, establishe the evaluation system of national vulnerability inex with the hierarchical
moel, use the grey forecasting moel to forecast the GDP of selecte countries in short term with the error rate
less than 1%
•Got the Secon Prize (H Awar)
The Impact of SARS an Covi-19 on Financial Markets Feb. 2020
•Stuie the similarity an ifference between SARS an COVID-19 to euce the possible influence of
COVID-19 on the financial market in the short term an long term