question 1 ﹙require﹚****
how oes the university of chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your esire for a particular kin of learning, community, an future? please aress with some specificity your own wishes an how they relate to uchicago.
question 2: extene essay ﹙require; choose one﹚****
essay option 1
cats have nine lives, pac-man has three lives, an raioactive isotopes have half-lives. how many lives oes something else—conceptual or actual—have, an why? ——inspire by kenrick shin, class of 2019
猫有九条命,吃豆人有三条命,放射性同位素有半衰期。其他事物——概念上的或现实上的——有多少生命?为什么?(受2019届毕业生kenrick shin的启发)
essay option 2
if there’s a limite amount of matter in the universe, how can olive garen ﹙along with other restaurants an their concepts of foo infinity﹚ offer truly unlimite soup, sala, an breasticks? explain this using any metho of analysis you wish—physics, biology, economics, history, theology… the options, as you can tell, are enless.——inspire by yoonseo lee, class of 2023
essay option 3
a hot og might be a sanwich, an cereal might be a soup, but is a a ?
inspire by arya muraliharan, class of 2021 ﹙an ozens of others who, this year an in past years, have submitte the question “is a hot og a sanwich,” to which we reply, “maybe”﹚
热狗可以是三明治,麦片粥可以是汤,但是a 是a ?
essay option 4
“fiction reveals truth that reality obscures.” – jessamyn westinspire by elizabeth mansfiel, class of 2020
essay option 5
uchicago has international campus centers aroun the worl, but we on’t have any interplanetary, interstellar, or interimensional campuses… yet! propose a spot in time or space, in this or any universe, for a new uchicago campus. what types of courses woul be taught at this site? what cultural experiences await stuents who stuy there?——inspire by peter jasperse, class of 2022
essay option 6
“on’t be afrai to pick past prompts! i like some of the ones from previous years more than those mae newly available for my year. also, on’t worry about the ‘correct’ way to interpret a question. if there exists a correct way to interpret the prompt i chose, it certainly was not my answer.” – matthew lohrs, class of 2023