专业名称: Banking an Finance MSc
申请要求: 官网要求 “2.1 (or international equivalent) in accounting, business stuies, economics, finance or management; outstaning egrees in any iscipline also consiere” ,这个专业没有严格卡金融背景,本科会计、商务、经济、金融、管理背景都行,成绩优异的其他专业背景也可以申请,诺丁汉商科一般卡 211 均分 80 ,双非均分 85 。
2 、南安普段大学
专业名称: MSc International Banking an Financial Stuies
申请要求: “2:1 classification UK bachelors egree or equivalent. Acceptable subjects: A wie range of subjects accepte in Business, Economics, Science, Engineering, IT, Management an Marketing, Communication, Eucation, Political Science, an Sociology. Require moule areas: Evience of quantitative stuy e.g. accounting, economics, finance, maths, management sciences or engineering. Other subjects consiere if quantitative ability emonstrate at A levels. Exclue subjects: English translation, Art/Performing Art, Vocational Stuies.”
这个专业可接受的专业背景范围也很广,商科、经济、工程、 IT 、管理、市场、传播、教育等等专业都接受,可以说几乎不卡专业背景了,不过还是会要求本科有会计、经济、金融、数学、管理、工程之类的背景,并且不接受英语、艺术类专业的学生申请。南安商科课程对 211 以及网排前 200 的学生均分要求是 80 ,网排 200~400 的双非均分要求 85.
3 、约克大学
专业名称: MSc Accounting an Financial Management
4 、华威大学
专业名称: MSc Business with Accounting & Finance
申请要求: "You must have, or be expecting to obtain, an upper secon class honours at Unergrauate level, from a UK university, or overseas equivalent. This stream will suit a wie variety of caniates looking to break into business an we welcome applicants from all acaemic fiels.If you have stuie a significant amount of accounting at unergrauate level then the MSc Accounting an Finance egree woul be a better option for you."。
这个专业对学生专业背景没有要求,并且学校也表示如果申请人之前有学过大量会计课程的话, MSc Accounting an Finance 这个专业会更适合申请。
5 、 东安格利亚大学
专业名称: MSc Economics of International Finance an Trae
“Any Subject. Degree Classification 2.2 or equivalent” , UEA 这个专业是接受任何专业背景的学生申请的,而且只卡二等二学位,英国大部分课程都是卡二等一学位的,二等二学位的要求会比二等一低不少,双非不管网排多少,一般均分 80 就能拿到 offer 。
专业名称:MSc Finance an Management
“All subjects* (excluing UK egrees in a business-relate subject, for which our Acaemic & Professional Courses are more suitable) *Degrees in ance, rama, music, sport, art, an art an esign will be consiere on a case by case basis an are reviewe closely for their acaemic content.” ,这个金融管理专业也完全不卡专业背景,但一般不接受本专业商科的学生申请,舞蹈、戏剧、音乐、体育、艺术、设计之类专业的学生也可以申请。
MSc International Business Finance an Economics
申请要求: “Any Subject. Degree Classification 2.2 or equivalent” ,这个专业的要求和 MSc Economics of International Finance an Trae 一毛一样,不卡专业背景,二等二的学位就行。