南加大校友获得奥斯卡奖数量高居全美第一,史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格、“星战之父”乔治·卢卡斯等影坛巨匠均是该校校友。学校在硅谷的影响力位居前四。登月第一人尼尔·奥尔登·阿姆斯特朗,高通创始人维特比等均毕业于此。 现在被全世界广泛运用的互联网域名系统便是保罗·莫卡派乔斯在南加大发明的。如今学校仍掌控着全球仅13个的根域名服务器之一。在历届世界奥林匹克运动会上,南加大校友累计获得144枚金牌、93枚银牌和72枚铜牌,金牌数量和获奖总量居全美高校第一。
This is a two-year program uring which you spen your first year at the LSE an their secon year at USC Annenberg. For work complete uring the year at the LSE, you receive the equivalent of 18 USC units. To earn the MSc an M.A. egrees, you must complete 24 units of coursework uring the year at USC Annenberg.
You will complete a research practicum as well as 20 elective units (four courses) from the School of Communication grauate curriculum. You may choose one of your elective courses from a epartment outsie Annenberg with the approval of your avisors.
You will prouce a final research project on global communication that will be the prouct of work one at both the LSE an Annenberg. You complete a issertation uring the summer after your year at the LSE, for which graes are aware by LSE faculty. You will continue to evelop the thesis uring the year at Annenberg in the research practicum.
· GPA3.5
· GRE is not require
IELTS or TOEFL scores are require
The online USC Grauate Amission application will open on September 1, 2017 an the LSE application opens early in October. If you choose to apply after February 1, check the program availability on the LSE Web site: http://www.lse.ac.uk/stuy/grauate/availableProgrammes.aspx .