雅思高频词短文Chapter 2
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雅思高频词短文Chapter 2


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On the vibrant and colorful Island of Varietopia, the government, led by Mayor Robert, valued creativity and individuality in its governance. They believed that the power of imagination could create a society with a diverse and thriving industry base. 

During a time of considerable change, the islanders faced an important challenge: the decline of their bee population. Understanding the importance of bees for their farming industry, they sought a solution. A researcher named Dr. Varia took it upon
herself to investigate this problem. 

Dr. Varia, known for her innovative thinking and remarkable brainpower, observed the varying behavior of the island's bee population. She discovered that by creating a varietal range of flower gardens, the bees would have a more diverse diet, resulting in a healthier and more energetic bee population. 

Mayor Robert, considering Dr. Varia's findings, issued an allowance for the builders and farmers to create these variegated gardens. The people of Varietopia, excited by this new project, began to plant different types of flowers and plants throughout their farms and public spaces. 

As the gardens flourished, the bees' health and numbers improved dramatically. The island's crops thrived, thanks to the revitalized bee population, and the people of Varietopia rejoiced in their creative and collaborative achievement. Their belief in the power of innovation and adaptability had saved their island and its essential bee population. 

Word List

  1. create[kriːˈeɪt]v.创造,创作,制造
  2. creation[kriːˈeɪʃən]n.创造,创作,创造物,产物
  3. creative[kriːˈeɪtɪv]adj.创造性的,有创意的,有创造力的
  4. creativity[ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvɪti]n.创造力,创意,创造性
  5. govern[ˈɡʌvən]v.统治,管理,支配
  6. governance[ˈɡʌvənəns]n.治理,管理
  7. government[ˈɡʌvənmənt]n.政府,管理机构
  8. process[ˈprɒsɛs]n./v.过程,步骤,加工
  9. belief[bɪˈliːf]n.信念,信仰,看法
  10. believable[bɪˈliːvəbl]adj.可信的,可相信的
  11. believe[bɪˈliːv]v.相信,认为,信任
  12. children[ˈtʃɪldrən]n.儿童,孩子
  13. individual[ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒʊəl]adj. /n.个人的,独特的,个体
  14. energetic[ˌenəˈdʒetɪk]adj.精力充沛的,积极的,充满活力的
  15. energy[ˈenədʒi]n.能量,精力,活力
  16. through[θruː]prep.通过,穿过,贯穿
  17. variable[ˈvɛərɪəbl]adj. /n.可变的,变化的,变量
  18. variation[ˌvɛərɪˈeɪʃən]n.变化,变动,变异
  19. vary[ˈvɛəri]v.变化,改变,多样化
  20. variegated[ˈvɛərɪɡeɪtɪd]adj.杂色的,斑驳的,多样化的
  21. varietal[vəˈraɪətl]adj.品种的,变种的,单一品种的
  22. variety[vəˈraɪəti]n.种类,多样性,变化性
  23. various[ˈvɛəriəs]adj.各种各样的,不同的,多样的
  24. variously[ˈvɛəriəsli]adv.各种各样地,多方面地,不同地
  25. vary[ˈvɛəri]v.变化,改变,多样化
  26. varying[ˈvɛəriɪŋ]adj.不同的,多样化的,变化的
  27. consider[kənˈsɪdə]v.考虑,细想,认为
  28. considerable[kənˈsɪdərəbl]adj.相当大的,相当可观的,重要的
  29. considerably[kənˈsɪdərəbli]adv.相当地,相当大程度上,非常
  30. consideration[kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən]n.考虑,体贴,关心
  31. change[tʃeɪnd]v./n.改变,变化,零钱
  32. build[bɪld]v.建造,建设,建筑
  33. builder[ˈbɪldə]n.建筑师,建造者,建筑工人
  34. different[ˈdɪfərənt]adj.不同的,差异的,独特的
  35. differently[ˈdɪfrəntli]adv.不同地,有区别地
  36. farm[fɑːm]n./v.农场,农业,耕作
  37. farmer[ˈfɑːmə]n.农民,农夫,种植者
  38. own[əʊn]v.拥有,占有,具有
  39. during[ˈdjʊərɪŋ]prep.在…期间,经过…时期
  40. researcher[rɪˈsɜːtʃə]n.研究者,调查者
  41. research[rɪˈsɜːtʃ]n./v.研究,调查,探讨
  42. importance[ɪmˈpɔːtəns]n.重要性,重要程度
  43. important[ɪmˈpɔːtənt]adj.重要的,有价值的,有意义的
  44. importantly[ɪmˈpɔːtəntli]adv.重要地,显著地,必须认真对待地
  45. brain[breɪn]n.大脑,脑部,智力
  46. brainpower[ˈbreɪnpaʊə]n.脑力,智力
  47. industry[ˈɪndəstri]n.工业,产业,企业
  48. base[beɪs]n./v.基础,底部,根据,基于
  49. bee[biː]n.蜜蜂
  50. fact[fækt]n.事实,实际情况,真相
  51. allow[əˈlaʊ]v.允许,准许,容许
  52. allowable[əˈlaʊəbl]adj.可允许的,可容许的,可准许的
  53. allowance[əˈlaʊəns]n.津贴,补贴,承认,允许
  54. suggest[səˈdʒest]v.建议,暗示,提出
  55. island[ˈaɪlənd]n.岛屿,孤立地区
  56. require[rɪˈkwaɪə]v.要求,需要,必需
  57. requirement[rɪˈkwaɪəmənt]n.要求,必要条件,需求
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