香港城市大学金融经济专业博士导师 王泽森
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香港城市大学金融经济专业博士导师 王泽森


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香港城市大学金融经济专业博士PHD :Prof. WONG Chak Sham Michael 王泽森

Prof. WONG Chak Sham Michael 王泽森

Certificate - "From Startup to Scale-up Nation" (Tel Aviv University)

Certificate - Innovation & Entreperneurship (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Certificate - Executive Coaching (University of Cambridge)

Certificate - Fintech (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Certificate - Venture Capital (University of California, Berkeley)

PhD - Finance (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

MA - Social Science Data Analysis (University of Essex)

MPhil - Finance (University of Cambridge)

Associate Dean (Global Executive Programmes)

Associate Professor












自1993年进入香港城大工作以来,王博士专门从事教学工作、及指导MBA, MSc和 DBA学生。目前,王博士已发表60部学术著作,被广泛认为是银行风险管理领域的亚洲专家。王博士在风险流程再造方面为很多银行提供建议,并旁听他们的风险模型和风险相关系统。同时,他也帮助律师事务所就资产估值和复杂的金融产品争议提供专家证人。在2008—2010年休假期间,王博士建立基于香港的信用评级机构CTRISKS,旨在发展信用评级和风险咨询服务。

王博士分别毕业于剑桥大学、英国埃塞克斯大学、香港中文大学。在1998 - 2002年,加入全球金融风险管理委员会,同时参与促进风险管理教育和全球金融风险管理考试,目前该考试现已成为世界最著名的金融风险管理专业考试。另外,他也担任香港证券和投资机构以及香港银行学会审查员。2014年,王博士与 Leon Zhao成立金融计算实验室,并担任实验室创会理事。




2014年多伦多大学Rotman International Trading Competition全球第8名(担任团队顾问)

2013年旧金山FinCapDev Competition成就奖

剑桥大学Cambridge Commonwealth Trust奖学金




Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews

Wang, Shuangao; Zhang, Shiyun ; Xi, Guiquan ; Wong, Michael C. S. / Analysis of Innovation Efficiency and Influencing Factors of Listed Companies In Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Economic Zone Based on Improved DEA. June 2024; In: Insights Into Regional Development. Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 24-47

Wong, Michael C. S.; Li, Wei / Investigating ESG Funds in China: Management Fees and Investment Performance. June 2024; In: International Journal of Financial Studies. Vol. 12, No. 2

Wong, Michael C. S.; Ho, Ho Ming / Correction: Wong, M.C.S.; Ho, H.M. A Framework for Integrating Extreme Weather Risk, Probability of Default, and Loss Given Default for Residential Mortgage Loans. Sustainability, 2023, 15, 11808. March 2024; In: Sustainability (Switzerland). Vol. 16, No. 6

Wong, Michael C. S.; Ho, Ho Ming / A Framework for Integrating Extreme Weather Risk, Probability of Default, and Loss Given Default for Residential Mortgage Loans. August 2023; In: Sustainability. Vol. 15, No. 15

Li, Wei; Wong, Micheal C.S.; Cenev, Jovan / Corrigendum to “High Frequency Analysis of Macro News Releases on the Foreign Exchange Market A Survey of Literature” [Big Data Res. 2 (1) (2015) 33–48]. February 2022; In: Big Data Research. Vol. 27

Wong, Michael / Business Innovation and Chief Innovation Officer (CINO). September 2020; In: ManageView . Vol. 2020, No. 2, pp. 14-16

WONG, Michael Chak Sham; BHATTI, Waleed Irfan / Developing International Sukuk in East Asia: Implications from Hong Kong Sukuk. November 2019; In: Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business. Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 9-17

Wong, Michael Chak Sham ; Yap, Richard Chin Yee / Social Impact Investing for Marginalized Communities in Hong Kong: Cases and Issues. May 2019; In: Sustainability. Vol. 11, No. 10

Wong, Michael CS; Li, Wei / Do Macro News Surprises of the US Affect Forex Implied Volatility? The Evidence of Japanese Yen in 1997-2015. January 2019; In: Journal of Stock and Forex Trading. Vol. 7, No. 1

Kyophilavong, Phouphet; Wong, Michael C. S.; Souksavath, Somchith; Xiong, Bin / Impacts of trade liberalization with China and Chinese FDI on Laos: evidence from the CGE model. July 2017; In: Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies. Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 215-228

Wong, Michael C S / Countercyclical corporate strategies. June 2017; In: South China Elite . No. 1, pp. 66-77

WONG, Chak Sham; Li, Stephen C Y; Ku, Anthony C T / Impacts of Intellectual Capital on Profitability: An Analysis on Sector Variations in Hong Kong. August 2015; In: Journal of US-China Public Administration. Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 614-616

Li, Wei; Wong, Micheal C.S.; Cenev, Jovan / High Frequency Analysis of Macro News Releases on the Foreign Exchange Market: A Survey of Literature. March 2015; In: Big Data Research. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 33-48

Tung, Humphrey KK; Wong, Michael CS / On the formulation of credit barrier model using radial basis functions. September 2014; In: Journal of the Operational Research Society. Vol. 65, No. 9, pp. 1437-1452

Wong, Michael C.S. / Guest Editor's introduction: Emerging market risk management. May 2014; In: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. Vol. 50

Batten, Jonathan A.; Szilagyi, Peter G.; Wong, Michael C.S. / Stock market spread trading: Argentina and Brazil stock indexes. May 2014; In: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. Vol. 50, No. Supplement 3, pp. 61-76

Hu, Daning; Zhao, J. Leon; Hua, Zhimin; Wong, Michael C. S. / NETWORK-BASED MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF SYSTEMIC RISK IN BANKING SYSTEMS. December 2012; In: MIS Quarterly. Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 1269 - 1291

Zhou, Kaiguo; Wong, Michael / Timing ability of China mutual fund investors. September 2012; In: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. Vol. 48, pp. 116-128

Cai, Jinghan; Ouyang, Hongbing; WONG, Chak Sham / The Bear Market in China: Which Trades Push the Stock Prices Down?. 2011; In: Annals of Financial Economics. Vol. 6&7, pp. 30 - 62

Tung, H. K K; Wong, M. C S / Financial risk forecasting with nonlinear dynamics and support vector regression. May 2009; In: Journal of the Operational Research Society. Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 685-695

WONG, Chak Sham Michael / Building Internal Ratings-based Systems: Asian Bank Challenges. December 2008; In: Journal of Regulation & Risk North Asia. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 83 - 88

Wong, Anson L.K.; Wong, Michael C.S. / Examining the performance of venture-backed companies in the Hong Kong IPO market. September 2008; In: Journal of Private Equity. Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 28-41

Zhou, Kaiguo; Wong, Michael C. S. / The determinants of net interest margins of commercial banks in Mainland China. September 2008; In: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade. Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 41-53

Wong, Michael Chak-sham; Lam, Yat-fai / Macro stress tests and history-based stressed PD: the case of Hong Kong. August 2008; In: Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance. Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 251-260

王坤; 王澤森 / 利用評估值編制商業房地產表現指數的方法,缺陷及其解決方法. 2008; In: 技術經濟與管理研究. Vol. 1, pp. 103 - 105

王澤森; 王坤 / BOT在香港隧道項目中的應用: 經驗與教訓. 2007; In: 國際經貿探索. Vol. 9, pp. 26 - 30

王坤; 王澤森 / 銀行業房地產信貸風險成因及對策. 2007; In: 金融理論與實踐. Vol. 5, pp. 18 - 20

Wong, Michael C.S.; Luk, Sherriff T.K.; Li, Stephen C.Y. / Equity ownership and management control in sino-foreign joint venture hotels. January 2005; In: Service Industries Journal. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 117-133

Chong, Bessie; Wong, Michael / Crafting an effective customer retention strategy: a review of halo effect on customer satisfaction in online auctions. 2005; In: International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 12-26

Chong, Bessie; Martinsons, Maris G.; Wong, Michael / Adoption of e-learning for work-based training: an exploratory study of the Hong Kong apparel industry. 2004; In: International Journal of Innovation and Learning. Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 312-326

Wong, Michael Chak Sham; Cheng, Wai Yan; Wong, Clement Yuk Pang / Market risk management of banks: Implications from the accuracy of value-at-risk forecasts. January 2003; In: Journal of Forecasting. Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 23-33

Cai, Jun; Cheung, Yan-Leung; Wong, Michael C. S. / What moves the gold market?. March 2001; In: Journal of Futures Markets. Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 257-278

Wong, Michael C. S.; Cheung, Yan-Leung; Wu, Lifan / Insider trading in the Hong Kong stock market. 2000; In: Asia-Pacific Financial Markets. Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 275-288

Wong, Michael Chak-Sham; Cheung, Yan-Leung / The practice of investment management in Hong Kong: Market forecasting and stock selection. August 1999; In: Omega. Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 451-465

Wong, Michael C. S. / Fund management performance, trend-chasing technical analysis and investment horizons: A case study. February 1997; In: Omega. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 57-63


Wong, Michael C. S. / Market reactions to several popular trend-chasing technical signals. November 1995; In: Applied Economics Letters. Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 449-456

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