面向对象的程序设计和软件设计 Object-Oriented Programming and Software Design
研究方法和专业问题 Research Methods and Professional Issues
论文项目 Dissertation Project
机器学习与自适应智能 Machine Learning and Adaptive Intelligence
团队软件项目 Team Software Project.
文字处理 Text Processing
自然系统的建模与仿真 Modelling and Simulation of Natural Systems
语音处理 Speech Processing
分布式系统理论 Theory of Distributed Systems
3D计算机图形学 3D Computer Graphics
计算机安全与取证 Computer Security and Forensics
安全关键系统中的测试和验证 Testing and Verification in Safety-Critical Systems
智能网 The Intelligent Web
软件和硬件验证 Software and Hardware Verification
移动设备软件开发 Software Development for Mobile Devices
语音技术 Speech Technology
自然语言处理 Natural Language Processing
网络性能分析 Network Performance Analysis
图形处理单元(GPU)的并行计算 Parallel Computing with Graphical Processing Units (GPUs)
软件再造 Software Re-Engineering
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