The Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS) at Boston University’s Metropolitan
College (MET) is designed to help you compete for positions in high-growth technology
areas. The MSCS provides the skills necessary for challenging jobs as software developers,
information security analysts, network administrators, database developers, data
analysts, IT project managers, and health informatics professionals.
Offered through BU MET’s Department of Computer Science, the Master of Science in
Computer Science (MSCS) is intended for computer professionals and for people who
wish to move into the computer field from other areas of study. Our faculty consists of
academic leaders who are engaged in innovative research and skilled industry experts
with firsthand experience in data analytics, machine learning, AI, computer networks,
cybersecurity, IT project management, and software development.
学制:12-20 个月
全日制学生:$30,525/学期,每学期 12-18 学分
STEM 分类:符合 STEM 课程清单的计算机科学课程
- 英语要求:托福成绩 或 托福 Essentials 成绩 或 雅思成绩 或 多邻国成绩
托福:总分要求最少 84 分; 小分要求: 阅读 21 分,听力18 分,口语 23 分,写
作 22 分
托福 Essentials:总分要求最少 9 分; 小分要求: 阅读 9 分,听力 8.5 分,口语
9 分,写作 9 分
雅思:总分要求最少 6.5 分; 小分要求: 听说读写,都最少 6.5 分
多邻国:总分要求最少 110 分
语言豁免:母语为英文的申请者,或 在英语国家的教育机构获得本科或硕士学位的
申请者, 或 纯英语教学的 2+2 双学历课程申请者 - GMAT 要求:无
- GRE 要求:无
- 学历要求:在地区认可的教育机构获得本科学位
- 本科 GPA 要求(4.0):无明确要求
- 工作经验要求:无
- 其他申请材料
a) 官方成绩单:被录取的学生将被要求提供每所学校出具的正式签名和盖章的
b) 2 封推荐信: 如果在毕业 3 年内申请,1 封推荐信必须是学术推荐信
c) 200-500 字的个人陈述:简述申请原因
d) 1 份个人简