2021年入学季的申请已经全面开启,很多学生纷纷接到面试的通知, 今天金吉列留学的老师为大家整理一下哥伦比亚大学商业分析专业的部分机器面试题目的汇总。
What does BA mean to you?
What do you want to gain from the program?
Tell me a funny story.
What does integrity mean to you?
What do you think of NYC? (feel about New York)
Why this program at Columbia?
Talk about one experience from your CV.
Tell me about an achievement that you are most proud of?
Share programming experience to demonstrate your programming proficiency.
Tell us a project that you’ve enjoyed. Why was it meaningful?
We are very proud of our curriculum, what courses/topics are you excited about?
What market and assets do you follow?
What does ethics mean to you? (how do you define ethics)
A fun thing?
Tell us a joke.
What do you do for fun?
A movie or book you recently watched.
How would your peers describe your character? (how your friends describe you)
Describe a time when you made a recommendation. How did your research show the recommendation was successful?
Describe a time you came up with a creative approach to solve a problem.
How do you handle challenges?
How do you deal with problems when you can’t seem to find the right solution?