- 对博士学生来说,在学术委员会的同意下,一般用硕士阶段的课程来免掉3门博士课程,这些课程的成绩不会体现在耶鲁的成绩单上,而会被标记为waive.
- 如果硕士是在耶鲁完成的,那么或许可以达到1-2学期的相关课程。
- 所有课程至少通过Pass(课程成绩会被分为Honors, High Pass, Pass)
- 通过博士生综合考试
- 前面两年成绩不好,有可能无法注册第五个学期的课程
- 第四年的学习之前,要满足论文委员会的要求和其他研究生相关要求
- 开题报告Prospectus(开题报告可在后面进行微调,但是如果有较大出入,需在论文提交之前半年重新提交)
- The name of the issertation aviser.
- A statement of the topic of the issertation an an explanation of its importance. What in general might one expect to learn from the issertation that is not now known, unerstoo, or appreciate?
- A concise review of what has been one on the topic in the past. Specifically, how will the propose issertation iffer from or expan upon previous work? A basic bibliography shoul normally be appene to this section.
- A statement of where most of the work will be carrie out—for example, in a Yale library or another library or archive, in the laboratory of a particular faculty member, or as part of a program of fielwork at specific sites in the Unite States or abroa.
- If the subject matter permits, a tentative proposal for the internal organization of the issertation—for example, major sections, subsections, sequence of chapters.
- A provisional timetable for completion of the issertation.