很多家长为了让孩子更早地适应美国的教育,同时也想为孩子争取到申请优势,从初高中开始就把孩子送到美国读书。这是因为在申请中,尤其是 TOP30的名校申请中,国际生和美国高中学生是被区别对待的:
1、 拥有比国际生多得多的录取名额,享受优先录取待遇 , 根据往年录取数据,在美国顶尖学校本科录取中,国际生所占比例大概在 5%—15%。也就是说,美高和美国本土学生竞争75—95%的录取名额,而所有国际生竞争剩下的名额。
2、 申请要求更低 : 比如部分学校免掉美高申请者的语言考试要求,或者比国际生更低的 GPA、标化考试要求等。
但是, 美国高中学生在申请美国本科时算不算国际生?真的会比国内中学的学生更有申请录取上的优势吗?带着这样的疑问 ,王老师 套磁了美国 TOP100的大U,目前收到73所高校的明确回复,经过总结后发现美国高校判定国际生的标准大致可以分为四类:
借用 Stanfor的套磁回复:
International stuents are those applicants who are not US citizens or permanent resients (Green Car recipients) of the US.
Even though one may have live in the US for a number of years, that person is still consiere an international applicant.
特殊的,部分学校将难民、政治避难者等也视作本土学生,比如 Ohio State University, Boston University, University of Minnesota.
这几所学校持有的观点可以参照 OSU的套磁回复:
If you are a citizen, permanent resient, refugee or asylee in or to the U.S., then you will apply as a omestic applicant.
However, if you are not any of these, you will apply as an international stuent.
总结来讲, “非美国公民或绿卡持有者都算国际生”是TOP100院校的主流观点,在明确回复的73所高校中,有多达57所,占比78%。
1. Princeton University
We evaluate all stuents within the context of their school setting. When we rea your application, we will rea it along with any other stuents from your school who have applie. This allows for us to have a better unerstaning of each school context. You will be aske to self-report your citizenship on the Common Application, which will not affect how your application is rea.
2. U of Chicago
Thank you for reaching out. While you woul be consiere an international applicant if you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resient, that has no impact on the application review process unless you are applying for financial ai. We always review stuents in the context of the high school they atten, not where they are from.
3. Columbia U
Columbia’s amissions application process is largely the same for all stuents regarless of their citizenship or country of resience. But If you are applying for financial ai, ifferent financial ai applications are require for international stuents.
4. Duke University
We rea applications by where a stuent attens high school. However below is some information that will be helpful as you will also be consiere an international stuent.
·We categorize all applications from stuents attening schools outsie the Unite States as international, even those from stuents who are US citizens.
·We categorize all applications from stuents who are not US citizens or US Lawful Permanent Resients as international, even those from stuents who are attening schools in the US.
5. Cornell University
Thank you for your interest in Cornell. If you are not a US citizen or hol a green car, you are consiere an international stuent. The application an requirements are the same for all stuents.
We rea applications base on where you currently atten school, rather than by your citizenship status. Your application will be rea with others from the school you atten an those from the same state (U.S.) or country.
6. College of William & Mary
Thank you for taking the time to write; it is great to hear of your interest in William & Mary! All Chinese citizens attening high school in the Unite States are consiere international stuents, but will be rea in the context of their Unite States high school.
I hope this helps. If you have any aitional questions, please on’t hesitate to ask.
7. Vanerbilt University
Thanks for reaching out. So it’s not like we have two piles of applications, omestic an international. Because of this, my answer may seem a bit confusing, so please feel free to ask questions if it oesn’t make sense.
Your file will be evaluate by the amission counselor responsible for the area of the high school you will grauate from. So let’s say you o four years of high school at the Lawrenceville School in NJ an plan to grauate from there [example], I woul be the one evaluating your application since I have all schools in NJ.
However, lets say, you atten Lawrenceville for three years, an go to Shanghai Worl Foreign Language School to grauate, Julie Chapman woul evaluate you application since that is one of her schools. In both situations the context of your school environment(s) will be taken into consieration.
8. New York University
Thank you for your email. While you woul be consiere an international stuent, we review applications by high schools, so your application woul be reviewe in the context of the school you currently atten.
1. Yale
Thank you for your email an your interest in Yale. Since applications are rea by region, international versus omestic status is etermine by where you went to seconary school, rather than by resiency or citizenship status.
You woul not be categorize as an international applicant because your high school was taken in the Unite States.
3. Georgia Tech
Thanks for your email an interest in Georgia Tech. Applications are rea within the context from which you are applying. For example, if you are from Panama but living in Illinois, your application will be rea with those from Illinois.
Likewise, if you are from Illinois but living in France, your application will be rea with those from France.
4. USC (特殊情况,分in-state和out-of-state)
An applicant is consiere a bona fie California resient – for amissions purposes – if he or she has attene a California high school for at least three years an grauate from a California high school or if the applicant’s parent or legal guarian is a permanent resient of California (if the applicant is uner 18).
5. Northeastern University
If you are currently attening high school in the US, you will be recognize as a omestic stuent. Please note that we will still consier your Chinese citizenship.
6. Southern Methoist University
Thank you for your message. SMU efines an International Stuent as any stuent who grauates high school abroa.
1. Harvar (身份完全不影响)
We have no quotas of any kin for amission, all applications are evaluate by the same criteria, an financial ai is equally available to all stuents regarless of citizenship.
2. Georgetown University (身份只影响奖学金评定)
Thank you for your email. We have a holistic review of all applications an will evaluate your entire application.
Please note, we o not have a question on our application that asks if you are a omestic or international applicant, that question is only applicable to financial ai. Our application will ask you to specify the location of your resiency.
给大家的建议 :
对于在美国读高中的中国学生: 恭喜你,你已经在比赛中领先了一个身位,但能否赢得最后的冲刺,还要看你是不是把握住了机会。
对于国内高中就读的申请者: 大势所趋,去担忧去愤青毫无意义,我们能做的就是将自己能够把控的部分做到极致,争取在更激烈的竞争中取胜。