将剑桥暑期项目中的三门金融相关课程以及投资相关的case stuy列出,体现学生在金融方面做的积累。
1. business with humanity in min means many things to ifferent people. please explain what business with humanity in min means to you an how you will apply your knowlege, skills an abilities to avance this ieal over the next five years.
文书开头先简单概括学生对business with humanity in min的理解,接着用一段话解释它的含义。接下来用自己实习的亲身经历阐述对business with humanity in min的理解以及它在商业活动中的重要性和从经历中得到的体会。最后写今后五年如何在工作和学习中贯彻这一理论,将这部分内容和前面的亲身经历得到的体会呼应起来。学生对文书题目理解比较到位,提供的素材比较全面,写起来很顺畅,学生对成稿也比较满意。
2. business leaers have the ability to create opportunities, buil proucts an systems, an inspire others to action. please escribe a time you create an opportunity, built a new prouct or system, or inspire others to act. the example you provie an elaborate upon may come from your professional eneavors, acaemic pursuits or civic engagements.
wustl 文书有两篇
1. there is no oubt that the financial services inustry is always changing. escribe the most important issues facing firms in the financial services inustry in 2019 an how you plan to use your skills to be a part of its future. ﹙500-wor maximum﹚
学生给的素材是描述计算机软件发展对金融行业的影响,自己应该提升计算机方面的知识。由于学生选择了finance下的asset an wealth management方向,所以通过google这个方向的相关文章以及对这个方向影响因素,我发现计算机软件只是一个比较笼统的观念,从搜索到的文章中找到实际对应的例子,从这个例子入手写金融行业的影响因素,并由此引出学生目前积累的哪些知识可以应对这个影响,以及将来需要从几个方面提高,并联系上华大的金融项目,这个项目中的课程和机会如何能帮助自己提高。
2. please escribe your immeiate career plans after grauation from olin. ﹙250-wor maximum﹚
提醒学生职业目标和选择的finance 小方向保持一致,虽然同是finance 专业,不同的小方向将来的就业方向也有区别。