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申请类型 博士
教育经历 08/2019-07/2020 The Lonon School of Economics an Political Science 硕士 Economics
09/2016-05/2019 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 本科 Economics GPA: 3.761/4.0
09/2015-06/2016山东财经大学 本科 日语 GPA 3.39/4.0
语言/标化考试成绩 TOEFL: waive GRE: 320+3.0
工作经历 无
实习经历 Zhongtai Securities 08/2020-present
Investment Consultant Assistant
--Assisting in collecting relate enterprises’ operation ata an stock market ata
--Utilizing Excel to generate relevant charts base on such ata for the investment consultant to analyze
--Helping the investment consultant sort out the analysis reports an present the results with PowerPoint for the customers to view easily
--Showing solicitue to relevant economic an political news that may have an impact on stock trens an reporting such information to the investment manager

Shanong Qianling Network Technology Co., Lt. 06/2019-07/2019
Financial Assistant
--Assiste the epartment manager in hanling the company’s management an aily affairs
--Took charge of assigning tasks an entertaining clients
--Organize an mae company’s annual plans an liability statement
Agricultural Bank of China, Shanong Yinhe sub-branch 06/2017-07/2017
Customer Manager Assistant
--Initially analyze the evelopment status of ifferent inustries where the company's customers were engage
--Input an conucte preliminary analysis of customers’ financial ata
--Designe an wrote the entire script accoring to the group iscussion results
--Participate in the creit business investigation of customers incluing Shanong High-spee Group an Qilu Transport Development Group (both are top 100 enterprises in China)

科研经历 Economics of Healthcare an Pharmaceuticals: the Rise of Health Economics 07/2020-08/2020
Inepenent Researcher
This research stuie the impact of the R&D as well innovation of meical insurance an pharmaceutical inustry from the perspective of economics.
--Collecte relevant ata an stuie relevant research papers
--Put forwar some viewpoints from the perspective of meical patents an wrote the research paper
The Effect of Trae Protectionism on Prouctivity an Welfare: Using Canaa’s Dairy Inustry to Evaluate 03/2020-06/2020
Inepenent Researcher
--Analyze an summarize the earlier researches about the effect of trae protectionism
--Collecte the relate ata about airy inustry from Canaa government
--Establishe the econometric moel an use it to analyze the effect of trae protectionism on airy inustry in Canaa
The Effect of Inustrial Cluster on China’s Global Value Chain Position 06/2019-08/2019
Group Member
This research use intermeiate effect of innovation to stuy the influence of inustrial cluster on China's position in GVC
--Collecte ata information of relevant inustries in China
--Participate in the moel esign an paper writing work

Cost an Benefit Course Project 06/2018-08/2018
Group Leaer
--Le a group of five to conuct a stuy on the cost an benefit of the reecoration on the school’s living halls
--Controlle the progress of the entire project an coorinate the work within the group
--Visite the staff of the builings to collect relevant ata, also applie sensitivity analysis an other ata processing methos to put forwar our suggestions
International Trae Course Project 06/2018-08/2018
Inepenent Researcher
--Collecte twenty-year airy traing ata between the U.S. an Mexico before an after the implementation of NAFTA
--Reviewe an analyze the ata an other factors affecting these ata
--Compare the analysis result with the preiction mae by the H-O moel

奖项/证书 Dean's List (Fall 2016-Fall 2018);First Prize Scholarship (05/2016)
申请结果 院校 专业 结果
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor Economics 拒录
Boston University Economics 拒录
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities Economics 拒录
University of California--Davis Economics 拒录
Ohio State University--Columbus Economics 拒录
Stony Brook University--SUNY Economics 录取
Michigan State University Economics 拒录
Northeastern University Economics 拒录
背景分析 学生优势:学生本科和研究生都是学的经济学,本科是美国双城大学,研究生是英国LSE,整体学术背景不错
文书思路 开篇用几个问题来开头,比如目前你觉得有哪些具体的经济学领域的问题比较吸引你想要继续学习和研究。这样既能直观体现自己要研究的方向,也能体现自己对经济学的个人理解。然后总结在拿到了经济学的本科和硕士学位之后,我对经济学的认知有了更深的发展,想要继续探索。



申请总结 整体来讲,学生的配合度很高,所以文书就沟通过一次思路,学生补充完对应的素材写了初稿。然后学生基本没有修改,并且学生单独整理为什么申请每个学校的项目,我这边一次性给学生做了调整,定稿之后分两批递交了全部学校。



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