加拿大NO.1多伦多大学,一向是学霸们的目标院校。多伦多大学 (University of Toronto,简称 UofT,或UT),始建于1827年,坐落在加拿大第一大城市多伦多,起源于公元1827年的国王学院 (King's College)。
2篇essay(作文)+1个vieo interview(视频面试)
What accomplishments or eneavours outsie of the classroom are you most prou of?
(1). 当你进入该program后,对学校会有什么样的贡献?
(2). 你如何定义成功?
(3). 请对自己进行自我介绍。
3.vieo essay(视频面试), 题目随机,你有1分钟的时间准备时长为2分钟的视频题库:
(1). 你为何选择这个program,这个program对你未来的发展有什么帮助?
(2). 请说出一句你以后会让人铭记的一句话。
(3). 你将如何回话你进入大学以后的生活?
(4). Out of your stuies, how o you keep engage with your peers?(除了学习,你与同学还有其他什么接触?)
2篇essay(作文)+1个vieo interview(视频面试)
What are the two accomplishments or eneavours outsie the classroom that you are most prou of an why?
For each of the two accomplishments or eneavours make sure you inclue:
(1) . Your role(s) in the activity an how long you were involve;
(2) . Why you are prou of this particular accomplishment or eneavour. Short form answers are recommene,approx. 100 wors.
(1).In this part, we are intereste in unerstaning why you want to stuy business. This quetion has two parts:
A. what inspire your interest in business, an how has this influence you?
B. why are you pursuing a business egree? Please be as specific as possible about your goals. Write one paragraph with the answer to part A, an one with the answer to part B. Do not excee a total wor count of 300.
3.vieo essay 视频部分:1分半思考和准备,2分钟完成视频录制,出现的一些题目可做参考:
(1). First Hobby?(你的第一个爱好是什么?)
(2). What is the one thing you woul like your fellow classmates remember about you?
(3). Acaemic performance is the best inicator of future job prospects. Do you agree or isagree with this statement. Why?
3 篇 Essay(作文)+2 题 vieo interview (视频面试)
1.第一篇essay 题目,已给出,请提前准备;每个活动字数50 字以内。
The first written question is: Please list up to three activities which you spent a significant amount of time on outsie of class. Focus on activities from the last 4 years &nash; they can be any kin of pursuit, incluing sports, clubs, employment, volunteer activities, research activities, or hobbies. For each activity, provie the following information:
(请列举三个在课外花费大量时间进行的课外活动(最近4年/高中阶段), 这些课外活动可以是运动、社团、工作、志愿者、活动、科研活动或者爱好等。 对于每个活动,请提供以下信息)
(1) .briefly escribe what you i;
(2) .state how long you were involve in the activity (in months or years);
( 说明你参加了多长时间(月或年))
(3). if applicable, list any achievements, awars, leaership positions, etc. that you consier noteworthy. Use approximately 50 wors for each activity.
(如果可以, 列出你在活动中取得的任何成就,获奖情况,担任的职务等。每个活动大约50字)
2.视频面试题目已给出,请提前准备,45 秒作答时间;
For the secon question, which is a vieo response, you will be aske to:
(1). briefly introuce yourself(简单介绍你自己);
(2). tell us about one thing that you are passionate about(告诉我们一件你非常热爱的事情);
(3).escribe what unique perspectives or experiences you will bring to the Rotman Commerce community.
You will have 45 secons to recor your answer. You will have the opportunity to practice your answer to this question uring the practice session before you start the official Supplemental Application.
三、vieo essay(视频面试)这部分的问题侧重点在&lquo;你&rquo;
通常会问类似&lquo;What motivates you an why&rquo;和与你长处,个人特点,平时的兴趣,经历相关的问题。大家一定要多做准备才能让自己在众多面试者中脱颖而出哦。