学校名称:香港大学The University of Hong Kong
学校介绍:香港大学(The University of Hong Kong),简称 “港大”(HKU),是中国香港的一所国际化公立研究生大学,有亚洲“常春藤”之称 。校训为 “明德格物” ,对应拉丁文为Sapientia Et Virtus。
专业名称1:Master of Finance
HKU MFin programme also enjoys professional partnerships with the CFA Institute an GARP to ensure the curriculum is closely tie to professional practice an well-suite to prepare stuents for the eman of the global financial inustry as well as to sit for the CFA examinations.港大MFin课程亦与CFA协会及GARP建立专业合作伙伴关系,确保课程与专业实践紧密结合,适合学生为适应全球金融行业的需求及参加CFA考试作好准备
Stuents nee to complete a total of twelve courses (single concentration) or fourteen courses (ouble concentration), they can choose to concentrate in one or two of the learning streams: Corporate Finance, Financial Engineering, an Risk Management, accoring to their interests an career aspirations. Up to two elective courses may be taken from other taught postgrauate programmes offere by the School.学生需完成12门(单修)或14门(双修)课程,可根据自己的兴趣和职业抱负,选择企业金融、金融工程、风险管理其中一门或两门课程进行学习。学院开办的其他研究生授课课程中,最多可修读两门选修课。
Moe of Attenance:
Programme Entrance Requirements课程入学要求
1. A recognize Bachelor's egree or equivalent;
2. Statements from two referees; an
3. A TOEFL/IELTS* score if you are not from an English teaching university.
*A minimum score of 550 (paper-base test) or 80 (internet-base test) in TOEFL, or a minimum overall ban of 6 with no subtest lower than 5.5 in IELTS is require
.1. 认可的学士学位或同等学历;
2. 两个推荐人的陈述;和