Why Essay怎么写才能打动招生官的心?
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Why Essay怎么写才能打动招生官的心?


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Why Essay,在Common网申系统上又叫Supplement Essay (补充文书),是指CA系统上除了申请者都需要交的650字的主文书(题目一样)之外,各个学校要求的小文章。因为学校的要求不同,字数限制通常是150-200字左右,也有超过400字的,几乎是和主文书一样了。

Why Essay,在Common网申系统上又叫Supplement Essay (补充文书),是指CA系统上除了申请者都需要交的650字的主文书(题目一样)之外,各个学校要求的小文章。因为学校的要求不同,字数限制通常是150-200字左右,也有超过400字的,几乎是和主文书一样了。

需要注意的一点是,在common上看supplement essay时, 一定要填好自己的信息以后再写(选完项目/专业后)。 因为有些是固定专业才会有why essay,或者是针对国际学生才会有附属文书。比如Braneis University,它就有针对国际学生的题目:Braneis attracts stuents from many corners of the worl. As an international stuent at Branies, how woul you enrich the campus community.  所以要提前填好信息,才不会遗忘小文书题目。

常见的why school essay有两个类型:

第一类: Why are you applying to XX School? 你为啥申请这个学校 ? 或者是 What coul you contribute to XXX?你可以给学校带来什么?

1、Please tell us what you value most about Columbia an why. (300 wors or less)(你最看重哥大哪一点?为什么?)

2、How will you explore your intellectual an acaemic interests at the University of Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given specific unergrauate school to which you are applying. (400-650 wors)(你觉得如何在宾大探索自己的学术兴趣并给出实例)

**第二类:Interests relate questions(和兴趣相关的题目)


1、Name your favorite books, authors, films, a/or artists. (斯坦福)

2、A list of books you have rea uring the past twelve months. (哈佛)

3、List the titles of the books you rea for pleasure that you enjoye  most in the past year (哥大)

有些学校喜欢不按照套路出牌,会问一些非常有趣的题目。芝加哥大学就是非常典型的案例,它所有的why school essay都是过往学生出的题目。

学校要求申请者写why文书的目的 主要有两个。

第一是出于对录取接受率的重视。 学校希望录取那些真正会来上学的学生。录取接受率对于学校的名气、排名及公众形象非常重要,所以大学对此都非常重视。写why文书是有效预测学生是否会接受录取的重要方式。学校希望了解学生有多么想上这个项目。在其他背景、成绩、标准化考试、工作经历与课外活动、推荐信等都差不多的情况下,大学,尤其是顶尖级学校通常会根据学生的文书做出最后决定。如果学生能够很好地回答“why this university”,就很有可能被学校录取。

第二个目的是考察申请者是否和学校是goo match。 学校希望知道学生是否真的可以在这里得到他们希望得到的东西,学校是否可以帮助学生完成梦想,学生是否愿意一直呆到毕业。由于学生第一年后的留存率是大学排名的重要指标,学校对此非常重视。通过why文书还可以预测学生大一之后的留存率。


1. 不要提及大学的地位及排名情况。 在我看来,除非你有一个非常重要的理由这样做,否则你是在浪费你宝贵的时间。 

2. 最好别提及大学的创始人或人文历史之类话题。 谈论托马斯•杰佛逊和本杰明•富兰克林当然本身不能说不好,但是弗吉尼亚大学和宾夕法尼亚大学的招生官们都正式声明不需要你提醒他们,他们上过高中和大学,他们了解历史,对你说的这些他们完全不感兴趣, 也并不会觉得你学识渊博。

3. 学生漏掉听起来很明显的这一步:一定要知道你为什么要申请这所大学!! 如果你只能从网上搜集到的信息是学校的地位或排名情况,那么你就没有真正了解和深入关注这所学校。你要找到的是你的学业规划,你的专业方向,以及学校的专业规划,它的地理位置,文化渊源等是否真正和你匹配。在回答这个问题之前做研究是非常重要的:访问学校,与在校学生交谈等等。 

每一篇文书都应该有两条线索:亮点和主线。 亮点是学校所拥有的硬件及软件设施,周围风景,一个特定的历史境况,所处地理位置,规模大小和课程的设置强度。但不要仅仅局限在那里——问问你自己为什么这些客观品质对你有意义,并且在文书中直接点出来。如果你被录取了,你将如何利用校园或社区的这些优越的条件?如果你被录取,你将如何为他们做出贡献? 

4. 从高中的角度看大学申请。 这所大学和你的高中有不同吗?为什么这些相似或不同对你很重要?也许你希望你的大学生活能有大的转变,也许你期待着加入一规模小点的的文科学院,因为你过去学校的规模很小。

附:How to answer &lquo;Why this college?&rquo; Essay Samples

Example #1

I like Bowoin College because it’s close to the Canaian borer.” Doesn’t Work. Why: The stuent is telling the school what it alreay knows. (“It’s close to the Canaian borer.”) Instea, tell the school why this piece of information is important, an how you’ll take avantage of it. New Version: “I like Bowoin’s proximity to Canaa because my family is French Canaian. I’m excite about being close enough to learn more about my heritage an practice my language skills.” Works Why: The answer is specific. This stuent clearly states why this school is a goo match for her.

Example #2

“Your school really inspires me. The stuents were frienly an the campus is amazing. Plus, I like col weather. I can really see myself going there.” Doesn’t Work Why: Generic – almost any campus can be inspiring, an lots of stuents are frienly. It’s also impersonal – there’s no feeling the stuent connects with this school.0 New Version: “I introuce myself to some of the stuents who were on their way to Dr. Gruber’s psych class. As we walke across the qua they tol me how exciting his lectures were an how much they like him as a teacher. My high school psych course really mae me want to learn more about psychology, an if I’m amitte, the first class I’m signing up for is Dr. Gruber’s.” Works Why: The stuent has mae her answer personal. By referencing an instructor an a course that interests her, she’s able to give the school a clear picture of how she sees herself fitting in.

Example #3

“During the campus tour, my guie gave me a great insie view of the University. He tol me about the school culture, an I knew this was the place for me.” Doesn’t Work

Why: 1. Vague. It oesn’t mean anything to say you have an “insie view” or that “this is the place for me.” You nee specifics to back it up. New Version: “After I got home, I remembere my tour guie playe cello in the orchestra, so I shot him an email asking what it was like. He replie right away an tol me he’ efinitely recommen it, especially because of the great frienships he’ mae. That’s the kin of experience an camaraerie I’m looking for.” Works Why: Personal connection. This is an excellent revision. When the stuent realize his essay wasn’t specific enough, he remembere that his tour guie playe in the orchestra, an that he ha the guie’s email. So they chatte, an the en result was an essay that showe initiative, enthusiasm, an connection. The stuent unerstoo why he wante to go to this college. Is Your Essay Specific Enough? Use this Test: If 100 other stuents can say the same thing, it’s time to either ig eeper or start over. Your essay nees to be unique to you. Remember Every school wants to see two basic things: that you know something specific about what they offer an that you unerstan how you’ll fit in.

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