专业名称:Mobile & Personal Communications Msc
1.学费:Full time: £29,310 per year
6.5 overall with a minimum of 6.0 in each skill
A minimum 2:1 unergrauate egree with a final mark of at least 60% or above.If you have a lower egree classification, or a egree in an unrelate subject, your application may be consiere if you can emonstrate significant relevant work experience, or offer a relate grauate qualification (such as a Masters or PGDip).
Bachelors egree with 2.1 honours in electronics, electrical engineering, computer science, applie mathematics or physics.We also welcome professional or occupational qualifications an consier them on an iniviual basis.
China Bachelor egree from prestigious institutions: Awar of Bachelor egree with an average score of 80% as evience by a Bachelor Degree Certificate an Final Transcripts (with official English translations). A 'prestigious institution' is one which is classifie as by UK ENIC or within the Project 211/Double First Class list of institutions. You will be a stronger caniate for amission if you have high graes an are attening a university consiere prestigious. For programmes within the King's Business School an the Master of Laws (LLM) programme, please note that offers will usually only be mae to applicants from universities consiere prestigious by UK ENIC at the point of assessment.
China Bachelor egree from recognise institutions:Awar of Bachelor egree with an average score of 85% as evience by a Bachelor Degree Certificate an Final Transcripts (with official English translations).
至少2:1本科学位,最终分数至少为60%或以上。如果您的学位分类较低,或拥有不相关学科的学位,并且您可以证明重要的相关工作经验,或提供相关的研究生资格(例如硕士或 PGDip),则可能会考虑您的申请。
电子学、电气工程、计算机科学、应用数学或物理学至少 2.1 荣誉学士学位。我们也欢迎专业或职业资格,并根据个人情况考虑。
中国名校本科学历:学士学位证书和最终成绩单(带有官方英文翻译)作为证明,平均成绩为 80% 的学士学位。“著名机构”是指被 UK ENIC 归类或在 Project 211/Double First Class 机构名单内的机构。如果您成绩优异并且就读于一所被认为享有盛誉的大学,您将成为更有力的入学候选人。对于 King's Business School 和法学硕士 (LLM) 课程中的课程,请注意,通常只会向来自英国 ENIC 在评估时认为享有盛誉的大学的申请人提供录取通知书。
获得认可机构的中国学士学位:学士学位证书和最终成绩单(带有官方英文翻译)证明,平均成绩为 85% 的学士学位。
数字通信(15 学分)
随机变量和随机过程(15 学分)
传播理论(15 学分)
移动和个人通信系统(15 学分)
电信网络 I(15 学分)
管理原理(15 学分)
个人项目(60 学分)
此外,您需要从一系列可选模块中获得 30 个学分,其中通常包括:
数字信号处理基础(15 学分)
网络理论(15 学分)
光通信(15 学分)
电信网络 II(15 学分)
数据和信号分析主题(15 学分)
高级工程师机器学习(15 学分)