"You on't have to have an extraorinary life experience to writea goo essay. Some of my favorite essays of all time have beenabout orinary activities, like learning how to make pasta froma granmother every Sunay. Remember, the orinary or ay-to-aythings you o make you who you are. An that's who we' re tryingto get to know.“ 不必有非凡的经历才能写出一篇好文章,一些关于日常活动的文章也可以打动人心,正是这些平凡和日常的事情造就了你,这正是招生官想要了解的你。
"We aren't often aske to write about ourselves in storytell-ing form, So the college essay can feel ifficult. As you are writ-ing, if you fin yourself thinking, "this is what l'm suppose tosay," then that's a goo time to take a break. Come back to itwhenyou are reay to write what you want to say! " Et1í1fR'iiIi#故事的形式来写自己,所以有时会感觉很困难,当你发现自己在思考我应该写什么的时候,可以适当的休息,确定好了想写的内容之后,再开始着手写作。
"Try to view the college essay as an opportunity rather than achore: an opportunity for you to reveal a bit of your personalityan tell us something about you in our own wors. Make sure yourvoice shines throughout SO that the essay can help you go frombeing an applicant on paper to being an iniviual with a per-sonality.“把写短文当做- 一个向学 校展示个性的机会,确保用自己的话来讲故事,这样才能从死板的写作变得跃然纸上。