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01  Harvar University 哈佛大学







 学生人数: 36012

 本科生:6699 研究生:13120 




 TOFEL:104 每门26


 Portfolios must be uploae as a single PDF an inclue your most important an representative visual arts, esign, research, an/or professional work. Projects shoul inclue a escription as well as any supporting ocumentation, which may inclue images or a vieo. All work must inicate the ate of the project an whether the project was acaemic, office-relate, or personal. In the case of collaborative work, the contribution by the applicant must be escribe precisely. Embee links are eactivate when you uploa your portfolio. Please note, we o not accept materials from thir party services such as Interfolio.We o not have any sample portfolios. A wie variety of esign work an portfolio styles are submitte; there is no one type of correct or successful portfolio.


02  University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学









 学生人数: 21358

 本科生:10468  研究生:10890

 老师人数: 4722




 GRE:160 Verbal 148Quantitative 4.5Analytical Writing 

 TOFEL 100

 IELTS 7.0


  Paper portfolios will NOT be accepte, an if submitte, will not be returne. The portfolio is a synopsis of one's creative work. As a visual essay, it tells a story of a person's interests, skills, an evelopment over time. It shoul inclue projects that best express one's visual, spatial, an constructional abilities. These projects might inclue rawings, paintings, sculpture, or photography; graphic, inustrial, or interior esign; architectural, lanscape, or urban esign. The faculty who evaluate the portfolios look less for competence in architectural or lanscape architectural esign an more for a coherent emonstration of visual an spatial abilities expresse through a basic unerstaning of material an construction. Applicants to the MSD shoul inclue at least five fully evelope projects one solely by the person submitting the portfolio; other group work can be ae. If this is a school project, you must clearly ientify the professor who le the project, along with his/her contact information, email, an phone number.


The igital portfolio shoul be formatte as one PDF ocument no larger than 10 MB, with no more than 20 pages (maximum page size 10 x 12") or 10 pages (maximum 10 x 24") if you use spreas. Cover pages or table of contents o not count towars total pages. We suggest that you keep the format consistent. For instance, if you are using spreas, use all spreas. If you are using pages, on't mix in spreas. Once your application is submitte, you will not be able to make changes to your portfolio or uploa a new one.


 03 Cornell University 康奈尔大学


 康奈尔大学的景观教学体系建立在College of Architecture, Art an Planning (AAP)、College of Human Ecology (HC)、College of Agriculture an Life Science (CALS)这三所学院的跨学科资源共享上,让学生们受用不尽,打下扎实基本功的同时,又具备宽广的视野。其中,

 -- AAP下设建筑系、艺术系、城市与区域规划系,声名显赫;

 -- HC其下设立的设计与环境分析系(Design an Environmental Analysis)研究的主要方向有可持续设计、环境与行为分析、绿色建筑等;

 -- CALS是景观专业所在的母院,作为全美最优秀的农学院之一,是景观专业在生态领域的最强大支撑。

 研究方向多元,其中十分擅长的领域包含了Green Infrastructure、Lanscape Preservation、Cultural Lanscape 与 Urban Design等。

  伊萨卡,这个被胡适称作“倚色佳”(Ithaca)的 地方,有着一种让人敬畏的美。校园环境极佳,成为很多学生和老师的灵感来源,也是个安心学习的好地方。 




 本科生:5838  研究生:2580





 TOFEL:阅读22 写作22 听力20 口语25



 your aptitue for visual thinking an esign.

 The portfolio contents may represent a wie variety of meia, incluing:

 freehan rawings travel sketches painting printmaking photography garen esignpottery an other creative eneavorsas well as evience of any knowlege of graphics software programs, such as: Photoshop Illustrator AutoCAD an 3D moeling. 

 The total number of works shoul be 10-12.  Please inclue a brief caption with the: title size

 project intention an meium of each work.

 The portfolio format is flexible but the epartment prefers high-quality printe pages of images, spiral boun or isplaye in a simple portfolio, 8.5" x 11" or 11"x 17." Please make sure your name clearly appears on all materials an portfolios submitte.


04  University of Michigan 密歇根大学 






 学费:  $47,476


 本科生: 28,983  研究生:12,565 




 Portfolio optional for the MLA  in Lanscape Architecture applicants. 作为可选材料

 05 University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学


 UVa景观建筑项目目前所在的科系全名叫做建筑与景观建筑系(Department of Architecture an Lanscape Architecture),与建筑系的合并体现了UVA合二为一的办学思路。






 学费: $44724/年

 学生人数 :22805

 本科生:16034  研究生:6771



GRE 无最低要求




 Your portfolio emonstrates experience an exploration in the areas of esign, craft, creative thinking an all forms of making. All M Arch an MLA applicants are require to submit an electronic portfolio as part of the online application. 

 NOTE: Applicants to the Master of Architectural History an Master of Urban + Environmental Planning programs are not expecte to submit portfolios unless applying for the Urban Design Certificate.

 Applicants to the M Arch 1 program must submit a portfolio which exhibits the esign an/or research irections they wish to continue to stuy at UVA School of Architecture.

 06  Rhoe Islan School of Design 罗德岛大学






 学费: $48470


 本科生:1994  研究生:474


 师生比 9:1




 GRE 不要求提供


 IELTS: 6.5


All applicants to the Master's of Lanscape Architecture egree programs are require to submit a portfolio an an aitional vieo essay. Your portfolio shoul contain 10 iniviually prouce an carefully chosen images of work that reflects your interests in lanscape an the iscipline of lanscape architecture. Applicants to the MLA-1 program who have no prior esign training may inclue photographs, sketches or written work that conveys their ability to observe, ientify an explore spatial conitions within the lanscape. All other applicants shoul inclue a selection of work that best represents the evelopment of their interest in this fiel of stuy. All work shoul be labele to inicate if it is acaemic, professional or personal. If team projects are presente, your iniviual contribution must be clearly ientifie. The portfolio shoul inclue a minimal amount of text.

 Prepare a short vieo of yourself telling us:

 The most important reason you are motivate to stuy lanscape architecture

 At least one goal you hope to achieve in your grauate eucation

 Why you think RISD is the best place to achieve your goals

 You are encourage to be authentic an heartfelt in your response. This essay will function as the beginning of a conversation you will continue to have if you enter the program at RISD an it oes not have to be the same information provie in your written essay. Cell phone vieos are accepte as well. Maximum length: 2 minutes.


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