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纽约大学医学院决定, 免除所有医学院学生的学费,从现在起纽约大学录取的医学生免除学费,这同时适用于刚被录取的学生以及在校生。 负责入学及经济资助的副院长 Rafael Rivera 说“不论对学校、对学生还是对病人来说这都是巨大的改变。”学校将会退还本年度已经缴纳的学费,偿还学生贷款。


  美国医学院联合会的一项调查显示, 2018 年医学毕业生中 72% 的人都背负着沉重的学习医学课程的债务,平均约为 19 万 5 千美元。超过三分之一的学生还要偿还以前课程的债务。近期毕业的纽约大学医学院学生中有 62% 的人背负着债务,平均约 18 万 4 千美元。

  据称,为了永久性地免除学费,纽约大学医学院需支付 6 亿美元的资金。目前,该校已筹集到四亿五千万美元专款用于弥补不收学费的亏空。

  副院长 Rafael Rivera 表示,鉴于越来越多的学生因为担心背上债务而不去从医,免学费是学校的“道德义务”。

  纽约大学医学院院长表示,从这一刻起,所有纽大医学院学生在毕业时将不欠任何人, “你可以无所畏惧,展望未来,拥抱理想,那就是让更多人过上有价值的人生”。

据了解,纽约大学医学院今年被 US News 评为研究性医学院的第三名,仅次于名声响当当的哈佛大学和约翰霍普金斯大学,实力相当不俗。  


   下面为大家整理了 MD 的录取要求:

MD Amissions Requirements

At NYU School of Meicine, we ’ re prou that our meical stuents are talente in both humanities an biological an physical sciences, which positions them well to solve healthcare ’ s biggest challenges. If you ’ re an unergrauate consiering meical school, we encourage you to pursue all your interests an passions when choosing a major — you on ’ t nee to have a singular focus on the sciences.

As part of our holistic amissions approach, we consier several factors when reviewing applications: 

· performance in unergrauate courses

· scores on the Meical College Amission Test ® (MCAT)

· personal aptitues an experiences that have influence applicants ’ ecision to become a physician

We unerstan that you bring your own perspective to the application process. We ’ re looking for you to emonstrate, in your own way, a commitment to improving the human conition, a compassionate leaership ability, an a evelope sense of self-awareness. You can express these qualities in the multiple mini interview process an through the recommenations of previous mentors. 

Your participation in extracurricular activities that show leaership, incluing community service an volunteer work, an your experience in collaborating with others on research an healthcare initiatives can also influence your application. 

Founational Acaemics for MD Caniates

Our MD program caniates are knowlegeable in core scientific subjects an emonstrate strong communication skills, which form the founation necessary for success in meical school.

Bachelor ’ s Degree an GPA

Applicants to NYU School of Meicine must hol a bachelor ’ s egree from an accreite college or university in the Unite States or Canaa or an equivalent international egree base on creential evaluation by Worl Eucation Services. 

The meian an average unergrauate GPAs for stuents in our most recent incoming class were 3.93 an 3.87, respectively, compare with the national average of 3.55 accoring to the Association of American Meical Colleges (AAMC).

Citizens an permanent resients of both the Unite States an Canaa can apply. 

Premeical Coursework 

NYU School of Meicine oes not have prerequisites. We recommen that MD program applicants emonstrate proficiency in the following premeical courses:

· general biology with labs

· general physics with labs

· inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, an biochemistry with labs

· genetics

· English

· statistics

We consier courses complete at schools of entistry, nursing, veterinary meicine, or pharmacy as part of your application materials but o not provie creit for such courses.

Meical College Amissions Test

Your score on the MCAT ® , a stanarize, multiple-choice examination, helps our amissions committee assess your ability to solve problems an think critically about behavioral an scientific concepts. You take the test no later than September of the year you apply to meical school. 

We consier MCAT ® scores only from three years prior to your expecte matriculation ate. For example, if you plan to enroll in fall 2019, the olest acceptable MCAT Score woul be from fall 2016.

The meian an average MCAT ® Scores among stuents in our most recent incoming class were 521 an 519, respectively, on the new exam. (We will only be accepting the new MCAT ® exam that was introuce in April 2015.)

Technical Stanars an Criminal Backgroun Check

All accepte applicants meet NYU School of Meicine ’ s technical stanars , which efine the physical, mental, emotional, an social abilities that support success in meical school. You also complete a criminal backgroun check , at no aitional cost, to ensure patient safety.

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