Permanent resience,也就是我们所熟悉的PR,译为永久居留,简称永居。拿到PR之后,意外着你可以在当地无限制的居住生活,受到当地政府的保护,可以享受当地绝大多数的权利,包括免费教育、医疗等等。所以拿到PR的人,我们可以称之为移民。拿到 PR之后,有一部分人选择继续入籍,有一部分人择选择不入籍,当然,是否入籍,个人的情况不同,需求不同,所以选择也不尽相同。
With a permanent resience permit you can resie an work in Norway inefinitely. You will also be given extra protection against expulsion.---来自UDI(挪威移民局的官方说明)
1. You must have staye in Norway for the past three years an have hel resience permits that form the basis for a permanent resience permit.对于签证类型这一点,UDI在给你签证的时候,会说明,如果邮件里说明了Tillatelsen kan anne grunnlag for bosettingstillatelse(意思就是这个签证类型可以用来申请永居),那么就可以在持有有效签证三年之后申请PR,官方给出了几个有效的由于申请永居签证类型:
resience permits for skille workers 特殊技能工作许可
most types of family immigration permits 家庭团聚
protection (asylum) 难民庇护
resience on grouns of strong humanitarian consierations (unless you have been grante a limite permit) 人道主义援助
2. You must have resie in Norway continuously for the past three years.
3. You must have complete tuition in the Norwegian language an social stuies an meet the requirements that apply to you or be able to ocument that you have been grante an exemption by the municipality (applies if you are between the ages of 16 an 55).
signe cover letter from the Application portal (or application form) 打印申请表并签字
a copy of all use pages in all passports or other travel ocuments that you have hel for the last three years. 护照所有页的复印件
list of time spent abroa. 在挪威境外的时间列表(要与护照出入境时间一致)
UDI‘s checklist, fille out an signe 打印材料清单并签字
ocumentation that you have complete courses in Norwegian an social stuies 挪威语学习证明