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以下为 澳国立大学 College of Business an Economics (CBE)发来的最新的关于2019年Semester 1 各个课程的满位情况。

 Close 不接受任何新的acceptances




 Limite Places 学生将会收到amission发来的此课程需求较高的邮件,不接受任何新的申请,所有offer holer应该在amission给的时间范围内接受offer。amission会及时就课程的最新情况通知学生,因此即使已经过了接受offer的截止日期,如果amission没有通知,学生仍然可以接受offer。


Program NameOpen as at:Status Upate:Master of Statistics13 August 2018Master of Commerce (Avance)13 August 2018Grauate Diploma in Economics13 August 2018Master of Financial Economics13 August 2018Master of Economics13 August 2018Master of Economic Policy13 August 2018Master of Business Aministration13 August 2018Master of Business Aministration (Avance)13 August 2018Master of Business Information Systems13 August 2018Master of Business Information Systems (Avance)13 August 2018Master of Project Management13 August 2018Master of Project Management (Avance)13 August 2018Master of International Management13 August 2018Master of International Management (Avance)13 August 2018Master of Marketing Management13 August 2018Master of Marketing Management (Avance)13 August 2018Master of Entrepreneurship & Innovation13 August 2018Master of Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Avance)13 August 2018Master of Leaership13 August 2018Master of Leaership (Avance)13 August 2018


Please note: This following upate relates only to programs offere by the College of Business an Economics (CBE) at the Australian National University

The Australian National University, Australia’s top ranke university, provies worl-class eucation an experiences to exceptional stuents from aroun the worl.

For Semester 1, 2019 we have seen particular eman for CBE. Several CBE programs are in high eman an program places are filling quickly.

To support you in avising your stuents intereste in CBE programs we will provie you with weekly amission upates on all CBE programs. Amissions upates fall into three categories:

 Close :  We will not be able to register any further acceptances at that time

 Limite Places: Stuents will receive a notification from the ANU Amissions team that

programs are in high eman. New applications will not be accepte for these programs. All offer holers shoul accept their offer in the timeframe inicate by amissions. Until stuents receive notification from Amissions that the program is full, even if it is after the acceptance ealine in the letter, offer holers will still be able to accept.

 Open: Programs still have availability

The following programs are still open:

Program NameOpen as at:Status Upate:Master of Statistics13 August 2018Master of Commerce (Avance)13 August 2018Grauate Diploma in Economics13 August 2018Master of Financial Economics13 August 2018Master of Economics13 August 2018Master of Economic Policy13 August 2018Master of Business Aministration13 August 2018Master of Business Aministration (Avance)13 August 2018Master of Business Information Systems13 August 2018Master of Business Information Systems (Avance)13 August 2018Master of Project Management13 August 2018Master of Project Management (Avance)13 August 2018Master of International Management13 August 2018Master of International Management (Avance)13 August 2018Master of Marketing Management13 August 2018Master of Marketing Management (Avance)13 August 2018Master of Entrepreneurship & Innovation13 August 2018Master of Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Avance)13 August 2018Master of Leaership13 August 2018Master of Leaership (Avance)13 August 2018


The following programs are in high eman but still have limite places available. Existing offer holers for these programs may still accept their place:

Program NameOpen as at:Status Upate:Master of Actuarial Stuies19 July 2018Master of Applie Economics13 July 2018Grauate Certificate of Economics13 July 2018Master of Accounting19 July 2018Master of Professional Accounting19 July 2018Master of Actuarial Practice19 July 2018


The following programs have close for Semester 1, 2019 only:

Program NameStatus Upate:Grauate Certificate Finance & Actuarial StatisticsMaster of Financial ManagementMaster of FinanceMaster of Applie FinanceGrauate Certificate AccountingGrauate Certificate Management
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