今年申请计算机相关专业的学生,又大大增加,咨询人机交互的学生也比较多金吉列留学傅天姿老师为大家总结了以下专业,供同学们参考,希望学生们都能申请到自己 满意的学校哦!
1. 学校:伦敦大学学院,全球排名8
院系:Division of Psychology & Language Sciences
专业:Human-Computer Interaction MSc
要求:A minimum of an upper secon-class egree in computer science, psychology or ergonomics or a minimum of an upper secon-class egree in a computer science-, psychology-, or ergonomics-relate fiel (e.g. interface esign, business IT, prouct esign). Account will be taken of any relevant practical or work experience. Attention must be given to the instructions in writing the personal statement.
语言:Avance levelAvance level: Overall grae of 7.5 with a minimum of 6.5 in each of the subtests.
院系:Computer science 专业:Human Computer Interaction MSc
要求:A 2.1 Honours unergrauate egree 语言:总分7,单项6.5
院系:Computer Science 专业:Human Computer Interaction
要求:2:1 Honours egree in computer science 语言:6.5 overall, with 5.5 minimum ban score
诺丁汉大学,全球排名103 院系:Computer Science 专业:Human Computer Interaction MSc 要求:2:1 (or international equivalent) in a computer science, engineering, natural sciences, social sciences or art an esign subject. 语言:6.5 with at least 6.0 in each element
院系:School of Computing 专业:Human-Computer Interaction MSc
要求:A 2:2 honours egree, or international equivalent, in any subject. We will also consier your application on an iniviual basis if you have lower or non-stanar qualifications provie they have relevant experience. 语言: IELTS 6.5 overall (with a minimum of 5.5 in all sub-skills).
院系:Department of Computer Science 专业:MSc in Human-Centre Interactive Technologies 要求:2:1 or equivalent in Computer Science or an appropriate iscipline relate to human-computer interaction, such as Psychology or equivalent inustrial experience 语言:6.5, minimum 6.0 in each component
院系:Computer Science 专业:Human Computer Interaction MSc – 1 year
要求:You shoul have a first or strong secon-class Bachelor’s honours egree or international equivalent. To apply for this course, you shoul have an unergrauate egree in computer sciences, mathematical sciences, physical sciences, engineering or relevant social sciences (for example, psychology or communication stuies). We may make an offer base on a lower grae if you can provie evience of your suitability for the egree. 语言:6.5 overall with no less than 6.0 in all components