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学校概况 卡尔顿大学建于1942年成立,是由安大略湖省的基督教青年会发起建立的,1957年正式成为大学,是加拿大著名的公立大学。卡尔顿大学位于加拿大首都渥太华市中心,它在公共事务与管理、高科技、新闻传媒,经济学,公共事务管理,生化等高科技领域享有较高声誉。领域中名列前茅,享有盛誉。学校是安大略湖大学联盟的成员,还是加拿大大学及学院委员会的成员,也是国际大学联合会的成员。卡尔顿大学在2019年加拿大麦考林杂志上排名综合类大学第五位。

专业名称  Master of Applie Science, Master of Engineering
M.A.Sc. Environmental Engineering ﹙thesis option﹚
M.Eng. Environmental Engineering ﹙project option﹚
M.Eng. Environmental Engineering ﹙coursework option﹚

专业描述 Our program is focuse on innovative research geare towars eveloping new technologies an practices that ensure we have clean air to breath, clean water to rink, clean soil to grow our crops an clean energy to sustain our society. Our goal is to reuce the impact of our society on our environment. Our programs are offere through the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Environmental Engineering which allows our grauate stuents to take courses at both Carleton an the University of Ottawa. 

地理优势:Carleton’s location in Ottawa gives our stuents an researchers access to excellent government labs at Environment Canaa, Natural Resources Canaa an others. It also provies unique opportunities to collaborate with researchers in these labs; we have several grauate stuents who conuct their research off-campus in these worl class facilities.
专业分支:Air Pollution
 Environmental Impact Assessment
 Management of Soli, Hazarous, an Raioactive Waste, an Pollution Prevention
 Water an Waste-water Treatment
 Water Resources Management, Grounwater Management an Contaminant Transport

课程设置 https://www.ociene.ca/programs
Thesis Option ﹙M.A.Sc.﹚
The requirements are:
1.Completion of a minimum of 3.0 creits CU or 18 creits OU by course, with at least 0.5 creit CU or 3 creits OU from each of at least three of the areas of stuy liste below;
2.Participation in the grauate seminar series ﹙ENVE 5800/Carleton University & EVG 5800/University of Ottawa﹚ ﹙0.0 creit﹚;
3.Completion an successful oral efence of a research thesis ﹙equivalent to 3.0 creits CU or 18 creits OU﹚.
Project Option ﹙M.Eng.﹚
The requirements are:
1.4.0 creits CU or 24 creits OU;
2.A project equivalent to 1.0 creit CU or 6 creits OU;
3.Participation in the grauate seminar series ﹙ENVE 5800/Carleton University & EVG 5800/University of Ottawa﹚ ﹙0.0 creit﹚.
Coursework Option ﹙M.Eng.﹚
The requirements are:
1.5.0 creits CU or 30 creits OU;
2.Participation in the grauate seminar series ﹙ENVE 5800/Carleton University & EVG 5800/University of Ottawa﹚ ﹙0.0 creit﹚.

录取要求 1.The normal requirement for amission to the Master’s Program in Environmental Engineering is a four-year bachelor’s egree in Environmental Engineering, other relate engineering isciplines ﹙Civil, Chemical, Mechanical, etc.﹚, or Environmental Science isciplines.
2.Only stuents in environmental engineering with high honours ﹙1st or top secon﹚ in their country ﹙alternatively efine as 80% or above from universities with a percentage system, 3.0 on a 4 G.P.A. system, 15 out of 20 on the 20 point system﹚ an a high ranking in their grauating class shoul consier applying. In view of the limite financial resources available at the Institute, preference will be given to applicants who have obtaine a scholarship external to Carleton University or the University of Ottawa, which woul support their propose egree program in this Institute.
All stuents entering the program will be require to have courses in mathematics, probability, an statistics equivalent to courses require in the unergrauate Engineering programs. Stuents amitte to the program without full equivalency in these areas will be expecte to take appropriate unergrauate courses early in their stuies. These courses will be aitional to the normal egree requirements.
3.All stuents entering the program will also be require to have taken unergrauate courses equivalent to the following courses:


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