专业 1:ma in music eucation: instrumental an vocal teaching 音乐教育:器乐和声乐教学
autumn term 秋季学期
moule 1: effective peagogy 有效的教学法
moule 2: one-to-one teaching ﹙beginner﹚一对一教学(初学者) spring term 春季学期
moule 3: teaching techniques 教学技巧
moule 4: one-to-one teaching ﹙intermeiate﹚ 一对一教学(中级) summer term 夏季期限
moule 5: enhance teaching skills 提高教学技巧
moule 6: one-to-one teaching ﹙avance﹚ :一对一教学(高级) summer perio ﹙june &nash; september﹚ 夏季(六月至九月)
moule 7: inepenent stuy moule comprising either an extene essay, or a portfolio of recore lessons accompanie by a written commentary 独立学习模块,包括一篇扩展论文,或者一系列记录课程以及书面评论
入学要求:雅思要求 6.5﹙5.5﹚不需要作品集
专业 2:ma in music ﹙taught﹚: contemporary stuies 音乐:当代研究
链接: 核心课程:
supervisions for the guie submissions
the autumn an spring terms are spent proucing guie submissions in the form of portfolios, as explaine above. you will be allocate an acaemic supervisor, with whom you'll make weekly or fortnightly appointments in orer to iscuss your work. you may also make appointments to iscuss your ieas with other members of staff, as interest an time allows.
teaching is through seminars an workshops. along with the other stuents stuying for the ma in music, you'll atten a seminar every wenesay exploring the range of contemporary practice an examining it in relation to relevant critical ebates in musicology, critical theory, an other art forms.