爱丁堡大学University of Einburgh
1. Foo Security专业要求PS里写清楚自己理解Foo Security 不是Foo Safety,要体现自己仔细阅读了这个专业的描述,理解了什么是Foo Security,我印象里其实Foo Security就是如何保障让全世界都有粮食吃,不是食品安全。
2. 爱丁堡大学推荐信一定要抬头纸签名盖章,上面必须有日期
3. 爱大目前所有专业都要求500字ps
Your personal statement gives you the opportunity to outline your acaemic history an relevant experience in orer to emonstrate that you are a suitable caniate for the programme you have applie for.
You shoul also use your personal statement to outline your motivation for your chosen area of stuy. Try to answer questions such as:
Why are you intereste in stuying at Einburgh?
Why have you chosen this particular programme?
What are your career plans, an how will your stuies support these?
If you have any other relevant experience, for example pai or voluntary work experience or aitional qualifications not state elsewhere, then please inclue this information in your personal statement, or you can a it to the &lquo;Relevant knowlege/training skills&rquo; fiel in the application form.
If you are applying for more than one programme you shoul write a tailore personal statement for each of your applications. 4 Msc Translation Stuies专业的PS有特殊要求,需要填写学校PS表格,具体请参考PS表格
华威大学(University of Warwick WMG)制造学院所有专业,除去MBE
Aim for 500 wors.Here are the themes that you shoul consier when writing your personal statement. This list is not complete, but they are likely to form the basis of your statement.
Why you want to unertake postgrauate stuy.
Your reasons for choosing the specific course. This is vital. Saying you are intereste in "business" or "management" is not sufficient.
How your first egree an/or work experience is relevant to the course.
What acaemic skills you have evelope an how they relate to the MSc course you have chosen.
Personal Attributes
What personal skills can you offer? Again, you must explain how these skills are relevant for your stuy at WMG
Your future career goals.
曼彻斯特大学the University of Manchester-MA Eucation ﹙International﹚
a personal statement ﹙maximum 500 wors﹚ etailing why you wish to stuy the course, your experiences, what you can bring to the course an any other information that you see as relevant to your application
曼彻斯特大学the University of Manchester-MSc International Development
a personal statement ﹙maximum 500 wors﹚ etailing why you wish to stuy the course, your experiences, what you can bring to the course an any other information that you see as relevant to your application