software evelopment msc
- information technology ﹙it﹚ pervaes our lives. if you are a grauate an you are equippe with avance software evelopment skills, you will enjoy a significant avantage in pursuing your career, whatever your previous egree subject.
学费:international full time fee: £23,500
入读要求:a minimum of a 2.1 honours egree or equivalent ﹙eg gpa 3.0 or equivalent﹚ in a subject other than computing science.
§ 课程设置:
avance programming 高级编程
algorithms an ata structures 算法和数据结构
atabase theory an application 数据库理论和数据结构
enterprise cybersecurity 企业网络安全
programming 程序设计
software engineering软件工程
systems an networks 系统和网络
optional courses﹙choose two﹚:
cryptography an secure evelopment加密和安全开放
cybersecurity funamentals网络安全基础
cyber system forensics 网络取证系统
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