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1Harvar UniversityBoston, MAHarvar Business School: * MBA: 7.5WWW.HARVARD.EDU2Stanfor UniversityStanfor, CAStanfor Grauate School of Business: * Master of Business Aministration: 7.0WWW.STANFORD.EDU2University of Chicago (Booth)Chicago, ILMBA & PhD: 7, with sub scores of 7 each.WWW.UCHICAGO.EDU4University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)Philaelphia, PAWarton Business School: Please consult the school.WWW.UPENN.EDU5Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)Cambrige, MASloan School of Management: * Ph.D. Program: 7.0 (Prefer IELTS)WWW.MIT.EDU5Northwestern University (Kellogg)Evanston, ILKellogg School of Management: * Ph.D. Program: 7.0 * MBA: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.NORTHWESTCOLLEGE.EDU7University of California—​Berkeley (Haas)Berkeley, CAHaas School of Business: 7.0WWW.BERKELEY.EDU8Dartmouth College (Tuck)Hanover, NHTuck School of Business: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.DARTMOUTH.EDU8Yale UniversityNew Haven, CTSchool of Management: *MBA: not require *MAM: 7.0WWW.YALE.EDU10Columbia UniversityNew York, NYSchool of Business: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.COLUMBIA.EDU11University of Virginia (Daren)Charlottesville, VADaren School of Business: 7.0WWW.VIRGINIA.EDU12Duke University (Fuqua)Durham, NCFuqua School of Business: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.DUKE.EDU12University of Michigan—​Ann Arbor (Ross)Ann Arbor, MIRoss School of Business: * Global MBA: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.UMICH.EDU14Cornell University (Johnson)Ithaca, NYJohnson School of Management: * Full-Time MBA:7, an 7.0 in the speaking an writing moules * PhD Programs: 7.0WWW.CORNELL.EDU15University of California—​Los Angeles (Anerson)Los Angeles, CAAnerson School of Management: * MBA: 7.0 * Master of Financial Engineering: 7.0 * EMBA: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score. * Global EMBA for Asia Pacific: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score. * Fully Employe MBA: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score. * PhD: 7.0WWW.UCLA.EDU16University of North Carolina—​Chapel Hill (Kenan-​Flagler)Chapel Hill, NCKenan-Flagler Business School: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.UNC.EDU16University of Texas—​Austin (McCombs)Austin, TXMcCombs School of Business: * MBA: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score. * MPA: 7.5 * MSBA: 7.0 * PhD in Finance/ Management: 6.5WWW.UTEXAS.EDU18Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper)Pittsburgh, PATepper School of Business: * MBA/ Master in Computational Finance: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.CMU.EDU19Emory University (Goizueta)Atlanta, GAGoizueta School of Business: 7.0 * Full-time MBA: 7.0 * Evening MBA: 7.0WWW.EMORY.EDU20New York University (Stern)New York, NYStern School of Business: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.NYU.EDU21Washington University in St. Louis (Olin)St. Louis, MOOlin Business School: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.WUSTL.EDU22Georgetown University (McDonough)Washington, DCMcDonough Business School: 7.5WWW.GEORGETOWN.EDU22Iniana University (Kelley)Bloomington, INKelley School of Business: * Full-time MBA Program: 7.0WWW.INDIANA.EDU22Vanerbilt University (Owen)Nashville, TNOwen Grauate School of Management: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.VANDERBILT.EDU25Rice University (Jones)Houston, TXJesse H. Jones Grauate School of Business: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.RICE.EDU25University of Notre Dame (Menoza)Notre Dame, INMenoza School of Business: * Master of Business Aministration/ MS in Business Analytics/ MS in Accountancy: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.ND.EDU27Ohio State University (Fisher)Columbus, OHFisher College of Business: * Full-time MBA: 7 * MBA for Working Professionals: Please consult the school * EMBA: Please consult the school * PhD/ MACC/ MHRM/ SMF: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score. * MBLE: 7.5WWW.OSU.EDU27University of Minnesota—​Twin Cities (Carlson)Minneapolis, MNCarlson School of Management: * MBA: a minimum overall ban score of 7.0, with no section lower than 6.5. * PhD: 7.0 * Master of Accountancy/ Master of Arts in Human Resources & Inustrial Relations/ : 6.5 *Master of Science in Business Analytics/ Finance/ Supply Chain Management: 7.0, with no section lower than 6.5.WWW.UMN.EDU27University of Washington (Foster)Seattle, WAFoster School of Business: * Full-time MBA: 7.0 * Evening MBA: 7.0 * GEMBA: 7.0 * Master of Professional Accounting: 7.0 * TMMBA: 7.0 * PhD: 7.0 * Master of Science in Information Systems/ Master of Supply Chain Management: 7.0WWW.WASHINGTON.EDU27University of Wisconsin—​MaisonMaison, WIWisconsin School of Business: * MBA/PhD: 7.5WWW.WISC.EDU31Brigham Young University (Marriott)Provo, UTMarriott School of Management: 7.0 * MBA: 7.0 (minimum ban score of 6.0 in each moule)WWW.BYU.EDU31Texas A&M University—​College Station (Mays)College Station, TXMays Business School: *MBA/ MS Finance/ Business/ Management: 7.0 *Other programs: 6.0WWW.TAMU.EDU31University of Southern California (Marshall)Los Angeles, CAMarshall School of Business: * Ph.D. Program: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.) * Master of Management Stuies/ MS in Entrepreneurship an Innovation/ Marketing/ Business Aministration: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.) * MS in Business Analytics: 6.5 with no ban score less than 6 * MS in Finance/Master of Accounting/Master of Business Taxation: 7.5, with at least 6.5 on each section. * MS in Meical Management/ Global Supply Chain Management/ Social Entrepreneurship/ Business for Veterans: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.USC.EDU34Georgia Institute of Technology (Scheller)Atlanta, GAScheller College of Business: Please consult the school.WWW.GATECH.EDU35Arizona State University (Carey)Tempe, AZW. P. Carey School of Business: 6.5WWW.ASU.EDU35Michigan State University (Broa)East Lansing, MIBroa College of Business: 7.0WWW.MSU.EDU37University of Floria (Hough)Gainesville, FLHough Grauate School of Business:6.0WWW.UFL.EDU37University of Texas—​DallasRicharson, TXJinal School of Management: 6.5WWW.UTDALLAS.EDU39University of Illinois—​Urbana-​ChampaignChampaign, ILCollege of Business: * Most programs: 6.5 with a score of 6 or higher in all sub-sections * MS in Financial Engineering: overall score of at least 7.0 with at least a 6.0 in all subsections * MS in Business Aministration: 7.0ILLINOIS.EDU39University of Rochester (Simon)Rochester, NYSimon School of Business: IELTS accepte. Contact school for scoreWWW.ROCHESTER.EDU41Boston University (Questrom)Boston, MASchool of Management: A minimum of 6.5 across each banWWW.BU.EDU41Pennsylvania State University—​University Park (Smeal)University Park, PASmeal College of Business: * Master of Business Aministration: 7.0 * Master of Professional Stuies in Supply Chain Management: 6.5 * MAcc: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.PSU.EDU41Temple University (Fox)Philaelphia, PAFox School of Business: * Specialize Master’s Program: 7.5 * Ph.D.: 7.0 * Online MBA: 7.5WWW.TEMPLE.EDU41University of Marylan—​College Park (Smith)College Park, MDRobert H. Smith School of Business: * PhD: 7.0 * MBA/ Specialize Master’s Program: 7.0 (Reaing: 7.0, Listening: 7.0, Writing: 7.0, Speaking: 6.5.)WWW.UMUC.EDU45University of California—​DavisDavis, CAGrauate School of Management: * MBA (FT):7.0 * Master of Professional Accountancy: 7.5WWW.UCDAVIS.EDU45University of Iowa (Tippie)Iowa City, IAHenry B. Tippie School of Management: * Master of Accountancy/ PhD in Finance/ Marketing: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.) * MBA: 7.0, minimum sub-score 6.0WWW.UIOWA.EDU47Purue University—​West Lafayette (Krannert)West Lafayette, INKrannert School of Management: 7.5, with 7.0 require per each sectionWWW. PURDUE.EDU48Southern Methoist University (Cox)Dallas, TXCox School of Business: * Full-time MBA/ MS in Finance: 7.5 (No subscore below 7.0.)WWW.SMU.EDU48University of California—​Irvine (Merage)Irvine, CAThe Paul Merage School of Business: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.)WWW.UCI.EDU50Boston College (Carroll)Chestnut Hill, MACarroll School of Management: 7.5WWW.BC.EDU51George Washington UniversityWashington, DCSchool of Business: 7.0 (No subscore below 6.0.) * MS in Finance: an overall ban score of 6.5 on the acaemic IELTS with no iniviual ban score below 5.5WWW.GWU.EDU52North Carolina State University (Jenkins)Raleigh, NCJenkins Grauate School of Poole College of Management: * MBA: 7.5 * Master of Global Innovation Management: 6.5 (Listening: 6.5, Reaing: 6.5, Writing: 6.5, Speaking: 6.5.) * Master of Global Luxury Management/ Master of Accounting: 6.5 (Listening: 6.5, Reaing: 6.5, Writing: 6.5, Speaking: 6.5.)WWW.NCSU.EDU53Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—​Newark an New BrunswickNewark, NJRutgers Business School: Most RBS programs require a score of a 7 on the IELTS.WWW.NBP.RUTGERS.EDU53University of Alabama (Manerson)Tuscaloosa, ALManerson Grauate School of Business: 6.5WWW.UA.EDU55University of Georgia (Terry)Athens, GATerry College of Business: * MBA: 7.0 * Master of Marketing Research: 8 * Master of Accountancy: 7.5WWW.UGA.EDU55University of Pittsburgh (Katz)Pittsburgh, PAJoseph M. Katz Grauate School of Business an College of Business Aministration: * Master of Business Aministration: 7.0 * Executive Master of Business Aministration: 7.0 * Specialize Masters: 7.0WWW. PITT.EDU57Baylor University (Hankamer)Waco, TXHankamer School of Business: * Full-time MBA: 7.0 * MSIS/ MSEco : 7.0WWW.BAYLOR.EDU57Northeastern UniversityBoston, MAD’Amore-McKim School of Business: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.NORTHEASTERN.EDU59University of Missouri (Trulaske)Columbia, MOTrulaske, Sr. College of Business: * MBA/ DBA: 6.5 * PhD in Accountancy: 5.5WWW.MISSOURI.EDU60Babson College (Olin)Babson Park, MAGrauate Amissions: 7.0WWW.BABSON.EDU60University of Arizona (Eller)Tucson, AZEller College of Management: 7 (with no lower than a 6 in any section) * Master of Accounting: 7 (no subject area below a 6.5)WWW.ARIZONA.EDU62Louisiana State University—​Baton Rouge (Ourso)Baton Rouge, LAE. J Ourso College of Business: * Flores MBA Program: 6.5 *MS in EconomicsWWW.LSU.EDU63Texas Christian University (Neeley)Fort Worth, TXNeely School of Business: * Full-time MBA: 7.0WWW.TCU.EDU63University of Arkansas—​Fayetteville (Walton)Fayetteville, ARSam Walton College of Business: * Master’s Programs: 6.5 * PhD. Programs: 6.5, a minimum of 7.0 on the speaking sectionWWW.UARK.EDU63University of Cincinnati (Linner)Cincinnati, OHLinner College of Business: 6.5WWW.UC.EDU63University of Oklahoma (Price)Norman, OKMichael F. Price College of Business: 7.0WWW.OU.EDU63University of Tennessee—​Knoxville (Haslam)Knoxville, TNCollege of Business Aministration: * Full-time MBA/ Master of Science in Business Analytics/ PhD in Business Analytics: 7.5 * Master of Science in Human Resource Management/ PhD in Economics/ Finance: 6.5WWW.UTK.EDU68Tulane University (Freeman)New Orleans, LAA.B Freeman School of Business: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score. * Master of Accounting: 7.5WWW.TULANE.EDU68University of ConnecticutStorrs, CTGrauate School of Business: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.UCONN.EDU68University of MiamiCoral Gables, FLSchool of Business Aministration: * MBA/ Specialize Masters: 7.0WWW.MIAMI.EDU71Case Western Reserve University (Weatherhea)Clevelan, OHWeatherhea School of Management: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score. * Master of Accountancy: 7.0WWW.CASE.EDU71College of William an Mary (Mason)Williamsburg, VAMason School of Business: * Full-time Master of Business Aministration: 6.5 * Master of Accounting: 7.5 * Master of Science in Business Analytics: 7.0WWW.WM.EDU71Iowa State UniversityAmes, IACollege of Business: 7.0 * Master of Information Assurance: 6.5WWW.IASTATE.EDU71University of South Carolina (Moore)Columbia, SCMoore School of Business: * MBA/ International Business/ Master of Arts in Economics: 7.0 * Master of Accountancy: 7 on each section *Master of Human Resources: 7.5WWW.SC.EDU75University of LouisvilleLouisville, KYCollege of Business: 6.5WWW.LOUISVILLE.EDU75University of Massachusetts—​Amherst (Isenberg)Amherst, MAIsenberg School of Management: 8WWW.ISENBERG.UMASS.EDU77University of California—​San Diego (Ray)San Diego, CARay School of Management: * MBA: 7.0 * Ph.D.: 7.0WWW.UCSD.EDU77University of Colorao—​Bouler (Lees)Bouler, COLees School of Business: * MBA amissions: 8 * Master amissions: 8 * Doctoral Program: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.COLORADO.EDU79DePaul University (Kellstat)Chicago, ILA 7.0 on the IELTS with all section scores at 6.5WWW.DEPAUL.EDU/PAGES/DEFAULT.ASPX79University of Utah (Eccles)Salt Lake City, UTDavi Eccles School of Business: 7.0 *Master of Science in Finance/ Information Systems: 6.5WWW.UTAH.EDU81Chapman University (Argyros)Orange, CAArgyros School of Business an Economics: IELTS accepte. Contact school for scoreWWW.CHAPMAN.EDU81University at Buffalo—​SUNYBuffalo, NYSchool of Management: * Professional MBA: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.) * Executive MBA: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.) * Full-time MBA: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.) * Master of Science: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.) * Ph.D. in Management: 6.5 (with no subscore below 6.0.)WWW.BUFFALOSTATE.EDU83Forham University (Gabelli)New York, NYGabelli School of Business: 7WWW.FORDHAM.EDU83Pepperine University (Graziaio)Malibu, CAGraziaio Business School: IELTS accepte. Contact school for score.WWW.PEPPERDINE.EDU85CUNY Bernar M. Baruch College (Zicklin)New York, NYZicklin School of Business: 7.0WWW.BARUCH.CUNY.EDU85Rochester Institute of Technology (Sauners)Rochester, NYSauners College of Business: 7.0SAUNDERS.RIT.EDU85Syracuse University (Whitman)Syracuse, NYWhitman School of Management: 7.0WWW.SYR.EDU88Binghamton University—​SUNYBinghamton, NYSchool of Management: *MBA: 7.0 *PhD.: 7.5WWW.BINGHAMTON.EDU88St. Louis University (Cook)St. Louis, MOJohn Cook School of Business: * One-year MBA: 6.5 * Evening MBA: 6.5 * MACC/ MSAFE/ MS-SCM: 6.5WWW.SLU.EDU88University of KansasLawrence, KSSchool of Business: 6.0. No subscore below 5.5WWW.KU.EDU91Howar UniversityWashington, DCSchool of Business: *MBA: 6.0-6.5WWW2.HOWARD.EDU92University of Houston (Bauer)Houston, TXBauer College of Business: 6.5WWW.UH.EDU92University of Kentucky (Gatton)Lexington, KYGatton College of Business: *MBA/ PhD Programs: 6.5 *Accounting Master Programs: 7.0WWW.UKY.EDU92University of MississippiUniversity, MSSchool of Business: Please consult the school.WWW.OLEMISS.EDU
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