澳门大学有中文授课的课程,它就是master of public aministration。此课程主要研究澳门sar和其它政府机构的架构,运营和政策。通过研究澳门回归后政府管理系统的变化,可以提供学生的政策分析能力。此课程主要为致力于从事公务员和在其它澳门或国内的公共组织工作的学生设置的。
applicants are evaluate on the basis of their acaemic recors, work experiences, an a face-to-face interview. the following are minimum requirements for amission: 主要考虑学生的学术背景,工作经验和面试表现
applicants shoul have achieve an overall unergrauate grae point average of c+ or better ﹙2.3 on the 4.0 gpa scale, 14 on the 20-point scale, or 70 out of 100﹚. 均分 70分以上
applicants with relevant unergrauate training or work experience, or with emonstrate knowlege of international relations or public aministration, will be given a higher priority in amission assessment. 申请者有相关工作经验会优先考虑
no english requirement is requeste on/after acacemic year 2016⁄2017. 无英语要求
学费: 40000澳门币/每年
学制: 2年