护理学硕士学制:2 年开学:2 月/7 月要求 学术要求:本科学历, 平均成绩 bbachelor’s egree with a b grae average or higher in papers at level 7 英语要求:雅思7.0 ﹙单项 > 7.0﹚ielts ﹙acaemic﹚ 7.0 overall with no ban less than 7.0学费:nz$38,585/年
课程设置 第一年 第一学期: 综合实践 nurs841 integrative practice 1 ﹙45 points﹚ 病理生理学 heal802 applie pathophysiology ﹙15 points﹚ 第二学期: 综合实践 nurs842 integrative practice 2 ﹙45 points﹚ 综合研究 heal811 integrative research ﹙15 points﹚第二年 第三学期: 综合实践 nurs843 integrative practice 3 ﹙30 points﹚ nurs844 practical leaership in nursing ﹙15 points﹚ phmy801 pharmacology science ﹙15 points﹚ 第四学期: nurs987 transition practicum ﹙60 points﹚
工作实习 papers are taught at the aut south campus. clinical placements can take place throughout aucklan.
护理硕士 the master of nursing science gives grauates from any bachelor’segree ﹙or equivalent﹚ the chance to pursue a career in nursing.this programme is ieal for grauates who are reay for a change in career.
护士注册 完成护理学硕士可以直接申请新西兰注册护士 after successfully completing the master of nursing science, grauates will be eligible to apply for registration with the nursing council of new zealan ﹙ncnz﹚.如果您喜欢这篇文章,可以关注我,或对我的文章进行点赞、评论、收藏、转发。欢迎拨打我的工作室首页电话咨询或与我微聊。