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学位设置: master of fine arts in prouction










your resume is a ocument that highlights your eucation, creative eneavors, activities, travel, employment, an service work as they apply to your aspirations as a filmmaker ﹙no longer than 3 pages﹚.


statement of purpose


a 500-1000 wor essay escribing who you are as an iniviual an what past an current life experiences have motivate you to pursue a career in the filmmaking inustry. use this statement as an opportunity to emonstrate your unique voice an personality in aition to your passion for storytelling.


writing sample


a two-page non-ialogue scene about a person trying to kill a spier in his/her home. the scene shoul be consiere the opening for a screenplay or theatrical work. writing samples shoul be type in 12-point courier in stanar play or screenplay format.


creative portfolio


a creative sample of work emonstrating your ability an commitment to storytelling. strong samples contain visual or written material that emonstrate your creativity, imaginative expression of thought, an the potential for visual storytelling. you are welcome to inclue a brief escription that provies perspective on your submitte materials. the sample must be uploae online by way of a link. no physical materials ﹙faxe or maile﹚ will be consiere. choose one or more of the following ﹙no more than 3 meiums﹚:


l film, vieo, animation, ocumentary or experimental work. submissions must not excee 15 minutes in length an can consist of reels, short films an/or clips from feature films. you must be part of the original creation of the work. please be clear about your specific contributions for each project.


l rawings, paintings, sculpture, costume or set esign that illustrates your creative vision an style. limite to 10 images total.


l photography that explores your visual storytelling through up to 10 images.


l a writing sample compose of one of the following: a short play or screenplay, the first 20 pages of a full-length play or feature-length screenplay, a narrative short story, a feature article, or poem that exemplifies your ability to engage reaers, up to 15 pages.


vieo pitch


create a vieo that introuces yourself an emonstrates your ability to author a simple compelling story. the vieo pitch shoul be no longer than 3 minutes total running time, an you must personally appear on camera pitching a story with the following three parameters:

no more than 30 secons:introuce yourself by telling us your name, where you are from, an a bit about your backgroun.

no more than 120 secons: pitch us an original story iea that you woul like to see mae into a film.

no more than 30 secons: finish your pitch by telling us in one or two sentences what the auience shoul ultimately learn from the story.


3 letters of recommenation


enter the names an emails for three recommeners, an we will sen an email request to your recommener. all recommenation letters must be submitte online. your recommener can inclue a teacher, professor, guiance counselor, mentor, employer, or someone you’ve worke with on a creative project. the recommener shoul be able to speak to your ability to succee in our program an your passion for storytelling. we o ask that no close family members write a letter of recommenation for you.

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