personal profile questions
epening on which egree﹙s﹚ you apply to, you’ll be aske to answer some or all of the following questions in your personal profile:
explain how you respone to a problem an/or an unfamiliar situation. what i you o, what was the outcome, an what i you learn from the experience?
give us an example of how the panemic has change your involvement in the community or group most important to you. what have you learne from this experience?
tell us about who you are. how woul your family, friens, an/or members of your community escribe you? if possible, please inclue something about yourself that you are most prou of an why.
what is important to you? an why?
escribe up to five activities that you have pursue or accomplishments achieve in one or more of the following areas. please outline the nature of your responsibilities within these activities. ﹙50 wors per escription﹚
family/community responsibilities
creative or performing arts
service to others
tell us more about one or two activities liste above that are most important to you. please explain the role you playe an what you learne in the process. you will be aske for a reference who can speak to your response.
aitional information: you may wish to use the space below to provie ubc with more information on your acaemic history to ate an/or your future acaemic plans. for example: how i you choose your courses in seconary school? are there life circumstances that have affecte your acaemic ecisions to ate? what have you one to prepare yourself specifically for your intene area of stuy at ubc?
please submit the names of two referees who know you well an can comment on your prepareness for stuy at ubc. examples of referees inclue an employer, a community member, a coach, a teacher/instructor, or anyone who knows you well. one of the referees you select must be able to speak to one of the activities/experiences escribe in one of your long-answer responses above. for applicants who are currently attening a high school, one of your referees must be a school official ﹙e.g., grae 12 or senior year counsellor, teacher, or ib coorinator﹚. neither referee shoul be a frien, family member, or pai agent.
what is important to you? an why?
你的soft skills。例如人际交往能力,领导能力、团队合作能力等。可以结合具体事例,解释为什么这些技能对你很重要。它对你未来的学习和生活有何帮助,你如何继续发展这些技能等。
aitional information: you may wish to use the space below to provie ubc with more information on your acaemic history to ate an/or your future acaemic plans.
for example: how i you choose your courses in seconary school? are there life circumstances that have affecte your acaemic ecisions to ate? what have you one to prepare yourself specifically for your intene area of stuy at ubc?
ubc文书第七篇:额外信息补充。你可以向学校提供关于更多你以前的学习背景和未来的学习计划信息。例如你在高中是如何选课的, 有什么情况影响你的学业选择吗?你为了进入ubc做了哪些准备?
影响学业选择的生活环境 ﹙如国外留学经历影响你的学校选择等)