申请uq2021年s1本硕课程,受旅行限制不能入境,将要进行online课程的国际学生,学校将减免 12.5% 的学费,要求是全额支付学费的学生。详情请联系顾问老师或登录学校官网查询。
12.5% uq covi-19 offshore online stuy tuition fee rebate
if you are an international stuent an you are prevente from travelling to australia ue to the australian government borer controls an will be stuying with us online from your home country, you may be eligible for a uq covi-19 offshore online stuy tuition fee rebate.
you will nee to be a full-fee paying international stuent unertaking an unergrauate or postgrauate coursework egree. if you are eligible, the rebate will provie a 12.5% reuction of your tuition fees base on your actual course enrolments in semester 1, 2021. please review the frequently aske questions for further information on the rebate.
澳新资深顾问 袁佩佩