part 1
如果把ubc比作加拿大名校里的皇冠 , 那么sauer商学院就是皇冠顶上那颗闪亮的红宝石 , sauer商学院作为ubc的一部分 , 其杰出的教学、创新的课程和领先的科研举世公认 , 而每年申请sauer商学院的学生简直不要太多哦 。 这也就导致 了 , sauer商学院的视频面试环节可是出了名“鸡肋” , 在短短 30秒内组织语言 , 作出一分半钟的精彩回答并戳中考官的心 , 这并不容易 。 所以 , 赵老师 为帮助各位申请sauar商学院的学生打好最后的面试攻坚战 , 特别推出sauar商学院的线上面试 辅导 。
从自我介绍到问题回答环节 , 每个环节细致考量, 揭露独家备战秘籍,名校offer不是梦 。
part 2
with philip
escribe a situation where you went above or beyon uty in orer to get something one.
how o you think goo leaers inspire an motivate others? what o they o?
escribe an occasion of failure, how i it affect you? an what i you learn from it?
with phil
coul you tell us 3 key learnings from your experience?
what are your short-term an long-term goals? where o you see yourself in 5 years?
with the girl
coul you tell us about a challenging situation that you face an how i you solve it?
what o you o to maintain your balance in your life?
with pc
what’s your passion?
what woul you escribe your greatest achievement up to ate?
what oes the wor “failure” mean to you?
part 3
- 视频面试比你想象中的难
- 没有展现自己的亮点
- 没有做好充分的准备
part 4
在面试环节,除了知识的储备和临场反应的练习,了解录制视频的过程也同样重要。下面就为 同学 解答在准备录制线上面试视频时,常见的问题有哪些?
1 、 if you’re applying to ubc sauer school of business’s bachelor of commerce ﹙bcom﹚ program, your personal profile will inclue a vieo interview section.
如果您申请ubc sauer商学院的商业学士(bcom)课程,您的个人资料将包括视频面试部分。
you’ll be aske to provie on-camera responses to two pre-recore questions. we’ve create these tips to help you prepare for, an create, a strong vieo. rea on for more information!
2 、 why is the vieo interview important?为什么视频采访很重要?
in the bcom program, collaboration, in-class iscussion, an public speaking are aily activities. your ability to listen to others an to communicate clearly by verbally articulating your thoughts an ieas is essential to your success, an in many cases, the success of your team uring group work.
if you’re intimiate at the thought of speaking on-camera, on’t worry. the questions will relate to your personal experiences an opinions, so there are no wrong answers. in fact, the vieo interview is a great opportunity for you to showcase how you can think critically, perform uner pressure, an stan out from other applicants.
3 、 how to create your vieo interview如何创建视频面试
within your personal profile, you’ll be irecte to a separate online vieo-interview platform. be sure to rea all instructions thoroughly. allow yourself ample time to test your recoring equipment an try a practice question before recoring responses to two pre-recore interview questions.
you’ll only have one attempt to respon to each question. once you’ve starte to view a question,you won’t be able to pause or replay it. you’ll be given 30 secons to think about your answer, an up to 90 secons to recor it.
4 、 tips for creating your vieo interview创建视频面试的提示
take time to reflect. think about past challenges, achievements, strengths, an beliefs.
create the best recoring space possible. close all other browser winows an programs on your evice. make sure there’s goo lighting in front of you. silence all auible alarms an alerts. eliminate lou backgroun noises, an stay free from other istractions.
be confient. maintain goo posture, smile, an present yourself professionally. you’ll fin these simple actions will put you in the right minset to more easily an naturally eliver your responses. o not rea from prepare statements or notes.
on’t well on mistakes. natural speech isn’t always perfect – the occasional“umm”or mispronounce wor is commonplace an to be expecte. if you misspeak uring your response, take a moment, breathe, an keep going. remember, you’ll have just one attempt to answer each question – there are no o-overs.
不要纠缠于错误。自然语言并不总是完美的 - 偶尔的“嗯”或发音错误的词语是司空见惯的。如果你在回答期间错过了,请花点时间,呼吸,继续前进。请记住,你只有一次尝试回答每个问题 - 没有做法。
be authentic. one of the reasons we’ve incorporate the vieo interview into your application is to get to know you better. on’t tell us what you think we want to hear; tell us what you want us to know about you.