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Q: Can I apply for PGWP if I nee to put my stuy on hol to meet the requirements of 50% in-class stuy in Canaa? 

问: 如果我需要暂停学习以满足在加拿大完成 50%学习项目的要求,我可以申请毕业后工作许 可吗? 

A: If you grauate or will grauate from a DLI that offers PGWP-eligible programs, you are still eligible for a PGWP if you ha to put your stuies on hol or stuy part-time because of COVID-19. That being sai, if your program is between 8 an 12 months in length, an you starte your stuies between May an September 2020, you can complete 100% of your program online from abroa an still be eligible for a PGWP. 

答:如果您毕业或即将毕业于提供符合毕业后工作许可资格课程的指定学习机构(DIL),但由于 COVID-19 而不得不暂停学习或兼职学习,您仍然可以申请毕业后工作许可。也就是说,如果您的 学习项目时长在 8 到 12 个月之间,并且您是在 2020 年 5 月至 2020 年 9 月期间开始学习的,那 么您可以在境外在线完成 100%的学习项目,并且依旧可以申请毕业后工作许可。 

Q: I have submitte my PGWP application an I am exempt from biometrics as I am in Canaa. I plan to go back to China in September. Do I nee to provie biometrics if I o not get any result until then?

问:我已经提交了 PGWP 申请,且因身在加拿大所以无需提交生物识别信息。我计划在九月份回 到中国。如果直到那时申请还没有任何结果,我是否需要提交生物识别信息? 

A: You nee to inform IRCC through the Webform if your country of resience changes. If you move to China, then yes, you will have to submit your biometrics since the visa application centers are open an accept biometrics submission. 

答:如果您所居住的国家/地区发生变化,您需要通过填写网络表格来通知 IRCC。如果您回到中 国,那么回答是需要,因为签证申请中心已经开放并且可以接受生物识别信息的提交,因此您必 须提交生物识别信息。 

Q: Will the perio of time spent on online courses without the stage-1 letter count towar the length of my PGWP? 

问:在没有收到“第一步”信函的情况下,在线课程所花的时间是否会计入我的 PGWP 的申请 中? 

A: As long as you submitte your application BEFORE starting your stuies an you eventually get the stage-1 letter, yes, the time spent stuying while waiting for stage-1 letter will count towar the length of the PGWP. 

答:只要您在开始学习之前就提交了签证申请,并且最终获得了“第一步”信函,是的,等待第 一步”信函期间所花费的时间将计入 PGWP 的申请。 

Q: How is efine the 50% of the courses complete in Canaa to be eligible for a PGWP? Does it mean 50% of program length or 50% of the total amount of courses? Or 50% of the total creits? 

问: 如何定义在加拿大完成的 50%的课程以有资格申请 PGWP?是课程长度的 50%还是课程总 数的 50%?还是总学分的 50%? 

A: The calculation is base on the number of courses complete abroa vs number of courses complete in Canaa. In a situation where part of a course is complete in Canaa an the other part overseas, IRCC will consier that the course was complete in Canaa 

答:相关计算是基于境外完成的课程数量与加拿大境内完成的课程数量的对比。如果同一课程的 一部分在加拿大境内完成,而另一部分在境外完成,IRCC 将认为该课程在加拿大境内完成。 

Q: Is there an age limit for PGWP applicants, an will there be ifferent visa policies for people traveling to Canaa for a PhD? 

问:PGWP 申请人有年龄限制吗?前往加拿大攻读博士学位的人会有不同的签证政策吗? 

A: No, the age is not taken into consieration for any type of stuy permit applications. 


Q: Is it true that for international stuents in Canaa, there is no 50% limit for online class in Canaa to be eligible for PGWP? 

问:对于在加拿大境内的留学生来说,在加拿大学习在线课程以申请 PWGP 有没有 50%的课程要 求?

A: Yes, stuents who were alreay stuying in Canaa an whose classes were move online ue to the travel an health restrictions an who have complete more than 50% of their program of stuy online remain eligible for the PGWP program. For stuents outsie Canaa, they must complete at least 50% of their program in Canaa once the travel restrictions are moifie. 

答:是的,已经在加拿大境内学习且由于旅行和健康限制而转至线上上课的学生,且已经完成了 超过 50%的在线学习课程,依旧可以申请毕业后工作许可。对于加拿大境外的学生,旅行限制一 旦调整,他们必须在加拿大完成完至少 50%的学习课程。 

Q: If I start my stuies online outsie Canaa for the fall semester 2020, while waiting to receive stage one preliminary eligibility assessment letter, will the time spent on online courses count towar my post-grauate work permit (PGWP)? 

问:如果我在等待“第一步”资格审核信函之时,在加拿大境外在线开始了 2020 年秋季课程, 那么这些在线课程的课时是否能被计算到我的毕业后工作许可(PGWP)申请中? 

A: Yes, as long as you submit your application before September 15 an that you receive the stage one eligibility assessment letter at a certain point, the time spent stuying online in spring, summer or fall 2020 an spring 2021 from outsie Canaa will count towar the length of your PGWP. You will also have to complete at least 50% of your program in Canaa once the travel restrictions are moifie. If your program is between 8 an 12 months in length an you starte your stuies between May an September 2020, you are still eligible for a PGWP even if you complete 100% of your program online from outsie Canaa. 

答:是的,只要你在 9 月 15 日之前提交申请并之后收到了“第一步”资格审核信函,那么你于 2020 年春季,夏季以及秋季或 2021 年春季在加拿大境外在线参加的课程课时将会被计入 PGWP 申请中。一旦旅行限制修改,你也必须在加拿大境内完成至少 50%的课程。如果你的学习项目时 长在 8 至 12 个月之间,即使你在加拿大境外在线完成了 100%的课程,你依旧可以申请毕业后工 作许可。

Q: I have a vali stuy permit an I am currently outsie of Canaa. Due to travel restrictions, I will follow online classes this fall from abroa. Will the time spent on online courses count towar my post-grauate work permit (PGWP)? 

问:我现持有有效的学习许可,并目前身处加拿大境外。由于旅行限制的原因,我将在这个秋季 开始在线上课。请问线上课程的课时是否会被计入我的毕业后工作许可(PGWP)申请? 

A: Yes. If you have a vali stuy permit, the time spent for stuies you complete online outsie Canaa in spring, summer or fall 2020 an spring 2021 because of the travel restrictions will count towar the length of your PGWP, provie that at least 50% of your program is eventually complete in Canaa. If your program is between 8 an 12 months in length an you starte your stuies between May an September 2020, you are still eligible for a PGWP if you complete 100% of your program online. 

答:是。如果你持有学习许可,由于旅行限制而导致你于 2020 年春季或者秋季在加拿大境外在线 学习,那么只要你在加拿大境内完成至少 50%的课程,你的在线课程课时将会被计入到你的 PGWP 申请。如果你的学习项目时长在 8 至 12 个月之间并且于 2020 年 5 月至 9 月间开始课程, 那么即使你在线完成了 100%的项目课程,你依旧可以申请毕业后工作许可。

Q: Will my post-grauate work permit (PGWP) be affecte if it is not possible for me to maintain a full-time status ue to the Covi-19? 

问:如果由于新冠疫情导致我无法维持全日制学生身份,我的毕业后工作许可(PGWP)申请是 否会受影响? 

A: No. You are still eligible for a PGWP if your in-class courses are move to an online-only format, or you ha to put your stuies on hol or you now have to hol a part-time status because of COVID-19.

答:不会。如果因为新冠疫情,你的在校课程改为了线上模式,或者你不得不暂停学业或兼职学 习,你仍有资格申请 PGWP。 

Q: I am in Canaa an I submitte the application for the post-grauate work permit in March, but have not receive the ecision yet. What shoul I o? 

答:我现在身在加拿大,并在 3 月份提交了毕业后工作许可申请,但是还未得到结果。我应该怎 么办? 

A: You can work full-time in Canaa until we make a ecision on your work permit application if you ha a vali stuy permit when you submitte your application, complete your stuy program, an were eligible to work off campus without a work permit while stuying. IRCC continues to process applications submitte online, to the extent possible, but ue to the impacts of COVID-19, we cannot provie accurate processing times. 

答:如果你在提交申请的时候持有有效学习许可,已完成学习项目,并有资格在上学时无需工作 许可即可在校园外工作,那么在我们针对你的工作许可申请做出决定之前,你可以在加拿大参加 全职工作。IRCC 正尽可能快的审理在线提交的申请,但由于新冠疫情的影响,不能提供准确的审 理时长。 

Q: I starte my stuies online in spring 2020. I am about to complete 50% of my 8-month program abroa. If I want my time spent stuying online to count towars my post-grauation work permit (PGWP), what shoul I o? 

问:我在 2020 年春季开始我的在线课程,并将要在加拿大境外完成长度 8 个月的课程的 50% 了。如果我希望我的在线课程课时能够被计入毕业后工作许可(PGWP)的申请中,我需要做什 么? 

A: If your program is between 8 an 12 months in length an you starte your stuies between May an September 2020, you can complete 100% of your program online from abroa an still be eligible for a post-grauation work permit. 

答:如果你的学习项目时长在 8 至 12 个月之间并且于 2020 年 5 月至 9 月间开始课程,那么你可 以在境外在线完成 100%的项目课程,且仍然可以申请毕业后工作许可。 

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