(1)have you researche lonon university of arts?
(2)o you know what is the course talking about?
(3)what is involve in ﹙fashion management﹚?
(4)what o you think is the most important for ﹙fashion management﹚?
(5)why o you choose this area?
(6)why csm/ccw…?/what is the ifference between…(两个学院的同样专业)
关于lonon 调研
(7)can you tell me why you want to stuy in lonon?
(8)have you visite lonon?
(9)what kin of the ifference o you think between lonon an your nation?
(10)which esigner/artist/journalist/blogger… o you like best? why?
(11)who you know ****﹙people or organization﹚?
(12)what happe in ﹙fashion﹚ inustry in this two years?/ what is the biggest thing happening in ﹙fashion﹚ area now?
(13)tell me something about your stuy plan? ﹙research, context, methoology, equipment﹚(仅限硕士申请)
(14)what’s your research question? what will you o?(仅限硕士申请)
(15)what o you think ma is about?(仅限硕士申请)
(17)what o you want to be in the future?
(18)what is the ream job for you in the 10years later?
(19)which type of ﹙womenswear﹚ esigner o you want to be in the future?
(21)how to survive yourself in the strong competitive environment?
申请ma的学生,带过来的实物、sketch book一定要事先自我评判一下,太基础幼稚的材料会影响录取。如果有其他想了解的,欢迎致电咨询!