iii. 回原文定位填空
1. 须完成部分的语法属性单一
2. 须完成部分的语法属性多元
1. 分析每个选项的语法属性
2. 分析题目的语法属性
3. 进行选项与题目的语法归类
4. 如有可能回原文定位
true/false/not given
i. 做法
- 准确理解题意
a﹚ 语法主谓宾确定
b﹚ 是否有好坏、优劣、快慢判断
c﹚ 是否有only判断
﹚ 是否有比较
e﹚ 是否有范围比较
3. 划出已给出句子的中心词回原文定位
4. 阅读比较
5. 中心词分为定位中心词及句意关键词:见前笔记
1. 是语言考试而非逻辑判断
2. 不涉及比喻及修辞
3. 不涉及文化差异
4. 不涉及复杂的时态与语态变化
5. 范围考点只有only, all及most
6. ielts中t/f/ng中的所有金钱符号、时间及数字都只涉及精确程度而非范围判断
7. 范围判断:
ng:a. time will tell
b. 设问句而不做回答
no less than a 相当于a+1
8. 原文中有it is preicte﹙expecte, anticipate﹚ that
题目中有real, truth, fact
9. 原文中有条件状语从句或表明条件的固定搭配
if ﹙provie that﹚, but for ﹙except for﹚
if not ﹙unless﹚, but that ﹙except that﹚
10. only原则
a. 原文有三个形容词:various, versatile, complete
b. 原文中a+b+c,
c. 原文中a事物或a状态
11. 原文中有vow, promise, swear, plege + 动作状态
题目中去除以上的限定,则答案为:not given
12. 原文对理论学科加以限定(领域及范围、人名、国名及时间)
文中只是陈述事实,而选项中出现评价性质的词 f
eg. auiences of all nationalities have been quick to acclaim the many worl -class performances of stars from the australian opera,ballet an theatre in the opera house.(文)
australian artists give better performances in the opera house.(题)
1)缩小原文范围 f﹙我觉得应该是ng)
eg.australian voters are increasingly turning their attention to the smaller political parties,for instance,at last election the no aircraft noise party,popular in city areas,an the green party,which is almost solely concerne with environmental issues.
the no aircraft noise party is only popular in the city.(ng)
eg1.welfare societies ten towars bankruptcy unless government spening is kept in check.
welfare-base societies invariably become bankrupt。
2.a theroy that worlwie temperature increases are upsetting the breeing the cycles of frogs is popular.
it is a fact that frogs’ breeing cycles are upset by theworlwie increases in temperature .(f)
3.in the work place,unless empolyees are engage in the part-time stuy,they may be frowne upon by their employers an peers an have ifficulty even staning still.
empolyees who o not unertake extra stuy will fin their salary ecrease by empolyers. (ng)
eg.australian voters are increasingly turning their attention to the smaller political parties,for instance,at last election the no aircraft noise party,popular in city areas,an the green party,which is almost solely concerne with environmental issues.
the smaller parties are only concerne about the environment.
2)扩大原文范围 f﹙完全抵触的情况下才用f)
eg.the internet has been often criticise by the meia as a potentially hazarous tool in the hans of young users.
the meia has often criticise the internet beacuse it is angerous.
eg.uner the uk environmental protection act the etails eclare in the application for the authorization to operate are inclue in the register which is open to the public.such legislation also exists in many other european community countries.
all eccountries have an environmental register which is open to the public.
eg.1.instea of giving birth in the water,this kin of frog raise its young within its stomach.
this kin of frog give birth to their young in an unerwater nest.
2.the labor party has always ha a strong connections with unions.
the labor party was forme by the unions.
3.james left the country before completing the project an in a fit of anger vowe never to return.
james never returne to austrlia to see the complete builing.
4.base on the hope that the five major military contributors to victory in the worl warii coul reach unanamity on the question of peace in the postwar worl,the security council mae up of five members was to be international guarian of peace.
since the war the security council has been able to achieve unanimity on peace.
eg.iscovere in 1981,less than ten years later the frog ha completely vanishe from the crystal clear water of booloumba creek near queeslan’s sunshine coast.……since the 1970s,no less than eight others have suffer the same fate.
eight frog species have become extinct so far in austrila.﹙f﹚