the msc in business an ata analytics ﹙mscba﹚ programme aims to cultivate stuents with professional knowlege of business ata analytics through active learning of the theories, methos, supporting techniques across a wie range of knowlege areas such as applie statistics, big ata management, ata mining an social meia analytics. the mscba programme has three streams. normally, a stuent will be amitte to either the information systems management ﹙ism﹚ or the quantitative analysis for business ﹙qab﹚ streams. uner exceptional circumstances, a stuent may be consiere for amission to the general ﹙g﹚ stream.
applicants must:
- hol a recognize bachelor’s egree in any isciplines with the curricula covering appropriate mathematical knowlege.
selection will be base on the caniate’s acaemic performance in previous stuies, relevant working experience ﹙if any﹚, motivation an potential of the caniate an performance in the interview.
applicants whose entrance qualification is obtaine from an institution where the meium of instruction is not english shoul also fulfill the following minimum english proficiency requirement:
- toefl score of 550 ﹙paper-base test﹚ or 59 ﹙revise paper-elivere test﹚ or 79 ﹙internet-base test﹚; or
- overall ban score of 6.5 in international english language testing system ﹙ielts﹚; or
- score 450 in the new college english test ﹙cet6﹚ of chinese mainlan; or
- other equivalent qualifications
core courses
- atabase management systems
- big ata & social meia analytics
- avance business software construction
- statistical ata analysis
- applie linear statistical moels
- ata mining
information systems management stream electives
complete 4 electives with at least 3 chosen from the following list:
- management support an business intelligence systems
- business ata analytics
- blockchain technology an business applications
- business intelligence applications
the remaining elective may be a postgrauate course offere by any epartment in the college of business.
quantitative analysis for business stream electives
complete 4 electives with at least 3 chosen from the following list:
- ecision analytics
- statistical moelling in economics an finance
- preictive moeling an forecasting for business
- preictive moeling in marketing
the remaining elective may be a postgrauate course offere by any epartment in the college of business.
general stream electives
any four postgrauate elective courses offere by the college of business.
use of statistical software to conuct ata analysis is an integral part of the programme. stuents will have access to the latest sas statistical software incluing the enterprise miner ﹙em﹚ use as a primary ata mining tool by many business organizations in hong kong an elsewhere.