Boaring High Schools
排名 | 学校 | 所在地 | 年级 | niche 综合评价 | 学生人数 | 学生教职工比例 |
#1phillips acaemy 菲利普斯学院anover, ma9-12a+1,1505:1
#2phillips exeter acaemy 菲利普斯埃克塞特高中exeter, nh9-12a+1,0855:1
#3choate rosemary hall 乔特罗斯玛丽中学wallingfor, ct9-12a+8595:1
#4st. paul's school 圣保罗学校concor, nh9-12a+5416:1
#5the lawrenceville school 劳伦斯维尔学校lawrenceville, nj9-12a+8228:1
#6eerfiel acaemy 迪尔菲尔德中学eerfiel, ma9-12a+6585:1
#the taft school 塔夫特中学watertown, ct9-12a+5955:1
#7the thacher school 撒切尔中学ojai, ca9-12a+2466:1
#8milton acaemy 米尔顿高中milton, mak-12a+1,0007:1
#9noble an greenough school 诺伯与格里诺学校eham, ma7-12a+6145:1
#10groton school 格罗顿中学groton, ma8-12a+3685:1
#11cate school 凯特中学carpinteria, ca9-12a+2806:1
#12cranbrook schools 克莱恩布鲁克中学bloomfiel hills, mipk, k-12a+1,6598:1
#the governor's acaemy 伽文纳中学byfiel, ma9-12a+4065:1
#13milesex school 米德尔塞克斯学校concor, ma9-12a+4065:1
#14the loomis chaffee school 卢米斯查菲中学winsor, ct9-12a+6908:1
#15the hotchkiss school 霍奇基斯中学lakeville, ct9-12a+6327:1
#16peie school 佩迪学校hightstown, nj9-12a+5507:1
#17the hockaay school 霍卡迪学校allas, txpk, k-12a+1,0899:1
#18hackley school 哈克利学校tarrytown, nyk-12a+8348:1
#19st. anrew's school 圣安德鲁学校miletown, e9-12a+3107:1
#20st. albans school 圣奥尔本斯学校washington, c4-12a+5859:1
#21lake forest acaemy 森林湖学院lake forest, il9-12a+4356:1
#22the taft school 塔夫特中学watertown, ct9-12a+5955:1
#23woosie priory school 伍德赛德修道院学校portola valley, ca6-12a+3757:1
#24shay sie acaemy 谢迪赛德学院pittsburgh, papk, k-12a+1,0328:1
#25st. mark's school 圣马克中学southborough, ma9-12a+3655:1
#garrison forest school 格瑞森林中学owings mills, mpk, k-12a+6008:1
#26concor acaemy 康科德中学concor, ma9-12a+3826:1
#27st. stephen's episcopal school 圣斯蒂芬主教中学austin, tx6-12a+6847:1
#28oregon episcopal school 俄勒冈主教中学portlan, orpk, k-12a+8689:1
#29the webb schools 韦伯中学claremont, ca9-12a+4168:1
#30mercersburg acaemy 摩尔西斯堡中学mercersburg, pa9-12a+4396:1
#31cushing acaemy 库欣学院ashburnham, ma9-12a+4066:1
#st. stephen's episcopal school 圣斯蒂芬主教中学austin, tx6-12a+6847:1
#32western reserve acaemy 西储学院huson, oh9-12a+4059:1
#33emma willar school 爱玛威拉德女子中学troy, ny9-12a+3577:1
#34the athenian school 雅典娜中学anville, ca6-12a+5189:1
#35unite worl college usa 联合世界学院美国分校montezuma, nm11-12a+2359:1
#36'iolani school 伊奥拉尼学校honolulu, hik-12a+1,90010:1
#37blair acaemy 布莱尔中学blairstown, nj9-12a+4206:1
#38the hun school of princeton 普林斯顿胡恩中学princeton, nj6-12a+6406:1
#39northfiel mount hermon school 诺斯菲尔德赫尔蒙山学校mount hermon, ma9-12a+6506:1
#40the hill school 希尔学校pottstown, pa9-12a+5038:1
#41inian springs school 印第安纳泉中学inian springs, al8-12a+3158:1
#42episcopal high school 主教高中alexanria, va9-12a+4455:1
#43the maeira school 马德拉学校mclean, va9-12a+31910:1
#44maumee valley country ay school 莫米谷城郊走读学校toleo, ohpk, k-12a+5729:1
#45the village school 乡村中学houston, txpk, k-12a+1,7056:1
#46riverstone international school 里弗斯敦国际学校boise, ipk, k-12a+3278:1
#47george school 乔治中学newtown, pa9-12a+5407:1
#48the masters school 迈斯特斯学校obbs ferry, ny5-12a+6676:1
#49georgetown preparatory school 乔治城预科中学north bethesa, m9-12a+4969:1
#50brooks school 布鲁克斯学校north anover, ma9-12a+3526:1
#auburn aventist acaemy 奥本基督复临学院auburn, wa9-12b-2229:1
#51westtown school 韦斯特敦学校west chester, papk, k-12a+6418:1
#52thomas jefferson school 托马斯杰弗逊中学saint louis, mo7-12a+856:1
#53kent school 肯特学校kent, ct9-12a+5757:1
#54miss porter's school 波特女子中学farmington, ct9-12a+3256:1
#55mconogh school 麦克多诺学校owings mills, mk-12a+1,3509:1
#56the stony brook school 石溪中学stony brook, ny7-12a+3619:1
#57asheville school 阿什维尔中学asheville, nc9-12a+2896:1
#58westminster school 威斯敏斯特中学simsbury, ct9-12a+3937:1
#59stevenson school 斯蒂文森中学pebble beach, capk, 9-12a+75013:1
#60fairmont preparatory acaemy 费尔蒙特预科学院anaheim, ca9-12a+57710:1
#61culver acaemies 柯尔沃学院culver, in9-12a+8148:1
#62the northwest school 西北学校seattle, wa6-12a+5069:1
#63the pennington school 彭宁顿学校pennington, nj6-12a+5075:1
#64mccallie school 麦卡利学校chattanooga, tn6-12a+9267:1
#65salisbury school 塞理斯伯瑞中学salisbury, ct9-12a+3104:1
#66the international school of minnesota 明尼苏达国际学校een prairie, mnpk, k-12a+31210:1
#67st. george's school 圣乔治中学miletown, ri9-12a+3556:1
#68grier school 格丽尔学校birmingham, pa7-12a+3005:1
#69ana hall school 达娜霍尔学校wellelsey, ma5-12a+4698:1
#70wooberry forest school 伍德贝瑞森林中学wooberry forest, va9-12a+3977:1
#71forest rige school of the sacre heart 福利斯特里奇圣心学校bellevue, wa5-12a+3737:1
#72saint anrew's school 圣安德鲁学校boca raton, flpk, k-12a+1,2808:1
#73santa catalina school 圣塔卡塔丽娜中学monterey, ca9-12a+2328:1
#74chatham hall 查塔姆霍尔学校chatham, va9-12a+1435:1
#75linen hall 林顿霍尔女子中学lititz, pa6-12a+2006:1
#76wyoming seminary college preparatory school 怀俄明神学院预科学校kingston, papk, k-12a+7718:1
#77portsmouth abbey school 波特茅斯教会学校portsmouth, ri9-12a+3607:1
#78hoosac school 胡塞克学校hoosick, ny8-12a+1306:1
#79suffiel acaemy 萨菲尔德中学suffiel, ct9-12a+4105:1
#80westover school 维斯多佛学校milebury, ct9-12a+2004:1
#81woolans acaemy of the sacre heart 伍德兰兹圣心学院lake forest, il9-12a+1457:1
#the maeira school 马德拉学校mclean, va9-12a+31910:1
#82american hebrew acaemy 美国希伯来学院greensboro, nc9-12a+1384:1
#83the governor's acaemy 伽文纳中学byfiel, ma9-12a+4065:1
#84flintrige sacre heart acaemy 福临特里奇圣心学院la canaa flintrige, ca9-12a+40310:1
#85tabor acaemy 泰伯学院marion, ma9-12a+5136:1
#86vere valley school 维德谷学校seona, az9-12a+1416:1
#87saint james school 圣詹姆斯中学hagerstown, m8-12a+2379:1
#88the cambrige school of weston 威斯顿剑桥中学weston, ma9-12a+3455:1
#89miss hall's school 霍尔女子学校pittsfiel, ma9-12a+2146:1
#90pilgrim school 皮尔格雷姆学校los angeles, capk, k-12a+4329:1
#91the bolles school 博尔斯学校jacksonville, flpk, k-12a+1,63412:1
#92tmi episcopal 德克萨斯主教中学san antonio, tx6-12a+4759:1
#93maharishi school 马赫西学校fairfiel, iapk, k-12a+1798:1
#94saint john's preparatory school 圣约翰预备高中collegeville, mn6-12a+2607:1
#95worcester acaemy 伍斯特中学worcester, ma6-12a+6058:1
#96the webb school 韦伯学校bell buckle, tn6-12a+3157:1
#97pomfret school 庞弗雷特中学pomfret, ct9-12a+3557:1
#98baylor school 贝勒学校chattanooga, tn6-12a+1,04813:1
#99fountain valley school of colorao 科罗拉多喷泉谷中学colorao springs, co9-12a+2257:1
#100walnut hill school for the arts 沃尔纳特希尔艺术学校natick, ma9-12a+2857:1
#st. bernar preparatory school 圣伯纳德预科学校cullman, al7-12a+2129:1
#garrison forest school 格瑞森林中学owings mills, mpk, k-12a+6008:1
排名学校所在地年级niche 综合评价学生人数学生教职工比例
#101avon ol farms school 埃文老农场中学avon, ct9-12a+4057:1
#102the williston northampton school 威利斯顿·北安普顿中学easthampton, ma7-12a+4906:1
#103annie wright schools 安妮怀特中学tacoma, wapk, k-12a+5367:1
#104berkshire school 伯克希尔学校sheffiel, ma9-12a+3995:1
#105interlochen arts acaemy 因特劳肯艺术学院interlochen, mi9-12a+5006:1
#106north browar preparatory school 北布罗沃德预科学校coconut creek, flpk, k-12a+1,64912:1
#hebron acaemy 海波恩中学hebron, me6-12a-2438:1
#107salem acaemy 塞伦中学winston-salem, nc9-12a+1657:1
#108chaminae college preparatory school 查米纳德大学预科学校st. louis, mo6-12a+8348:1
#109villanova preparatory school 维拉诺瓦预备中学ojai, ca9-12a+26511:1
#110st. anne's - belfiel school 圣安妮 - 贝尔菲德学校charlottesville, vapk, k-12a+9009:1
#111hawai'i preparatory acaemy 夏威夷预科学院kamuela, hik-12a+61710:1
#112foxcroft school 福克斯克罗夫特学校mileburg, va9-12a+1679:1
#113arlington school 达林顿中学rome, gapk, k-12a+7585:1
#114lawrence acaemy 劳伦斯学院groton, ma9-12a+3907:1
#115canterbury school 坎特伯雷学校new milfor, ct9-12a+3225:1
#116the storm king school 斯特姆国王学校cornwall-on-huson, ny8-12a+1855:1
#117shattuck-st. mary's school 沙特克 - 圣玛丽学校faribault, mn6-12a+4886:1
#118the putney school 帕特尼学校putney, vt9-12a+2357:1
#119rivermont collegiate 里弗蒙特学院bettenorf, iapk, k-12a+2008:1
#120virginia episcopal school 弗吉尼亚主教学校lynchburg, va9-12a+2408:1
#121southwestern acaemy 西南学院san marino, ca6-12a+1475:1
#122lexington christian acaemy 列克星敦基督教学校lexington, ma6-12a+3189:1
#123saint mary's school 圣玛丽学校raleigh, nc9-12a+2729:1
#124holerness school 胡德尼斯中学holerness, nh9-12a+2817:1
#125millbrook school 米尔布鲁克学校millbrook, ny9-12a+3184:1
#the kiski school 科士奇高中saltsburg, pa9-12a+2005:1
#126the macuffie school 马克杜菲中学granby, ma6-12a+2726:1
#127church farm school 教会农场学校exton, pa7-12a+1855:1
#128the knox school 那克斯学校st. james, ny6-12a+1426:1
#the glenholme school 戈蓝豪理姆学校washington, ct6-12ng1056:1
#129goul acaemy 古尔德学院bethel, me9-12a+2314:1
#130ethel walker school 埃瑟尔沃克学校simsbury, ct6-12a+2528:1
#131the kiski school 科士奇高中saltsburg, pa9-12a+2005:1
#132rabun gap-nacoochee school 罗本盖普中学rabun gap, gapk, k-12a+6008:1
#133milan school 米德兰学校los olivos, ca9-12a+874:1
#134christ school 基督学校asheville, nc8-12a+2906:1
#135hilton hea preparatory school 希尔顿海德预科学校hilton hea islan, scpk, k-12a+4098:1
#136the cheshire acaemy 柴郡学院cheshire, ct9-12a+4006:1
#137wilbraham & monson acaemy 韦伯拉汉莫森中学wilbraham, ma6-12a+4307:1
#138ojai valley school 欧佳谷学校ojai, capk, k-12a+2877:1
#139solebury school 索乐伯瑞中学new hope, pa7-12a+2255:1
#140waylan acaemy 韦兰学院beaver am, wi9-12a+1918:1
#141marianapolis preparatory school 玛丽安娜波莉兹预科学校thompson, ct9-12a+4007:1
#142st. anrews school 圣安德鲁斯学校barrington, ri6-12a+2265:1
#143blue rige school 蓝岭学校yke, va9-12a+1855:1
#144perkiomen school 伯奇门中学pennsburg, pa6-12a+3507:1
#145san omenico school 圣多明尼哥学校san anselmo, capk, k-12a+64310:1
#146subiaco acaemy 苏比雅克中学subiaco, ar7-12a+1897:1
#147sany spring friens school 桑迪斯普林斯友谊学校sany spring, mpk, k-12a+6039:1
#148st. timothy's school 圣蒂莫西学校stevenson, m9-12a+19810:1
#149st. paul preparatory school 圣保罗预科学校st. paul, mn9-12a+1209:1
#150winermere preparatory school 温特蜜尔预科学校winermere, flpk, k-12a+1,47513:1
#hebron acaemy 海波恩中学hebron, me6-12a-2438:1
#151unn school 邓恩中学los olivos, ca6-12a+2206:1
#152secon baptist school 第二浸礼会学校houston, txpk, k-12a+1,1199:1
#153chapel hill chauncy hall school 礼拜山学校waltham, ma9-12a+1805:1
#154la lumiere school 拉路米亚学校laporte, in9-12a+2329:1
#155leman manhattan preparatory school 莱蒙曼哈顿预科学校new york, nypk, k-12a+5339:1
#156ef acaemy ef 学院thornwoo, ny9-12a+8008:1
#grier school 格丽尔学校birmingham, pa7-12a+3005:1
#157elphian school 特菲尔中学sherian, ork-12a+2529:1
#158buffalo seminary 布法罗女子学院buffalo, ny9-12a+2149:1
#159montvere acaemy 蒙特沃高中montvere, flpk, k-12a+1,23412:1
#160iyllwil arts acaemy 艾德尔怀尔德艺术学校iyllwil, ca9-12a+3104:1
#161miller school of albemarle 米勒中学 ﹙ 阿尔伯马尔 ﹚charlottesville, va8-12a+1855:1
#162thornton-onovan school 桑顿 - 多诺文学校new rochelle, nyk-12a+1706:1
#163the orme school 奥玛中学mayer, az8-12a+1456:1
#164the linsly school 林斯利中学wheeling, wv5-12a+4249:1
#165the white mountain school 白山学校bethlehem, nh9-12a+1254:1
#166st. johnsbury acaemy 圣约翰斯伯利学院st. johnsbury, vt9-12a+9388:1
#167ublin school 都柏林学校ublin, nh9-12a+1525:1
#168rancho solano preparatory school 兰乔索拉诺预科学校scottsale, azpk, k-12a+5337:1
#169proctor acaemy 普罗克托学院anover, nh9-12a+3705:1
#170trinity-pawling school 圣三一柏林学校pawling, ny7-12a+2866:1
#171colorao rocky mountain school 科罗拉多洛矶山学校carbonale, co9-12a+1675:1
#172tallulah falls school 特拉佛中学tallulah falls, ga5-12a+47310:1
#173california crosspoint acaemy 加利福尼亚克罗斯珀因特学院haywar, ca6-12a+2376:1
#174scattergoo friens school 斯凯特格德友谊学校west branch, ia9-12a+344:1
#175the brook hill school 布鲁克希尔中学bullar, txpk, k-12a+6808:1
#waylan acaemy 韦兰学院beaver am, wi9-12a+1918:1
#menaul school 梅诺尔学校albuquerque, nm6-12a2078:1
#176west nottingham acaemy 西诺丁汉学院colora, m9-12a+1297:1
#177ashley hall school 阿什利霍尔学校charleston, scpk, k-12a+6727:1
#178ranolph-macon acaemy 兰道夫马肯学学院front royal, va6-12a+3409:1
#179allen acaemy 艾伦中学bryan, txpk, k-12a+3407:1
#180gilmour acaemy 吉尔摩学院gates mills, ohpk, k-12a+65511:1
#181yeshiva university high school for boys 叶史瓦大学男子高中new york, ny9-12a+2808:1
#wooberry forest school 伍德贝瑞森林中学wooberry forest, va9-12a+3977:1
#182anrews osborne acaemy 安德鲁斯奥斯本学院willoughby, ohpk, k-12a+3507:1
#183cats acaemy boston 波士顿剑桥文理中学braintree, ma9-12a+4208:1
#184stoneleigh-burnham school 史东莱博罕学校greenfiel, ma7-12a+1524:1
#185st. bernar preparatory school 圣伯纳德预科学校cullman, al7-12a+2129:1
#186sugar bowl acaemy 舒格鲍尔学院noren, ca8-12a+605:1
#187george stevens acaemy 乔治史蒂文斯学院blue hill, me9-12a+32412:1
#fountain valley school of colorao 科罗拉多喷泉谷中学colorao springs, co9-12a+2257:1
#188cretin-erham hall high school 克雷汀 - 德拉姆庄园高中st. paul, mn9-12a+1,02411:1
#189garrison forest school 格瑞森林中学owings mills, mpk, k-12a+6008:1
#190img acaemy img 学院braenton, fl5-12a+93012:1
#191st. mary's preparatory school 圣玛丽预科学校orchar lake, mi9-12a+47911:1
#192ben lippen school 本·利庞学校columbia, scpk, k-12a+74712:1
#193everest collegiate high school & acaemy 埃弗里斯特学院高中及学院clarkston, mipk, k-12a+48012:1
#194acaemy of the holy family 圣家学院baltic, ct9-12a+343:1
#195st. anrew's-sewanee school 圣安德鲁 - 塞沃尼学校sewanee, tn6-12a+2476:1
#196ross school 罗斯学校east hampton, nypk, k-12a+3685:1
#197justin-siena high school 贾斯廷 - 锡耶纳中学napa, ca9-12a+58013:1
#198stratton mountain school 斯特拉顿山学校stratton mountain, vt7-12a+1358:1
#199branon hall school 布兰登霍尔学校atlanta, ga6-12a1415:1
#200wasatch acaemy 瓦萨奇学院mount pleasant, ut7-12a3227:1
#linen hall 林顿霍尔女子中学lititz, pa6-12a+2006:1