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所有正在semester 2在澳大利亚境外学习的继续学习和即将来临的国际学生,以及大学大幅扩展的trimester 3课程,由于边境限制而无法前往澳大利亚的学生,都有可能获得阿德莱德大学的资格对于位于澳大利亚境外的学生,covi-19海外学习费用返还高达20%。

关键信息:考虑到学生可能已获得的任何其他奖学金或折扣,回扣的总额上限为20%。费用返还将在接受时自动应用。费用返还仅在取消旅行限制之前适用,但将在整个学期中兑现。 学生不能选择留在澳大利亚境外并获得费用返还,以备将来使用。本科生和研究生课程的学生有资格获得返利。

7月13日第二学期的主要时间表更改完成后,大学trimester 3将为学生提供有关如何注册(或检查其现有注册)的建议。教职员将与在trimester 3学习的学生联系,以提供课程模式。


ear value partnercovi-19 offshore stuy fee rebate 

the university of aelaie is prou to eliver a globally recognise, campus-base learning experience for all of its stuents. while the challenges of the covi-19 global panemic triggere a necessary an temporary shift to remote learning, the university of aelaie’s teaching an learning has consistently been elivere to the highest stanar. 

throughout the covi-19 global panemic, the university has elivere targete an meaningful support to stuents in nee. 

as our campuses reopen, we recognise that a number of our international stuents are unable to join us ue to current borer restrictions. we are committe to supporting all of our stuents, no matter where they are locate, an we acknowlege the important role these stuents play as members of our university community. 

i am please to share with you the news that all continuing an commencing international stuents who are stuying offshore in semester 2, an our significantly expane trimester 3 offering, an unable to travel to australia ue to borer restrictions may be eligible for the university of aelaie covi-19 offshore stuy fee rebate of up to 20% for stuents locate outsie of australia. 

key information:
  • the rebate will be cappe at 20% total, taking into account any other scholarships or iscounts a stuent may alreay receive.
  • the rebate will be automatically applie at the time of acceptance.
  • the rebate will only apply until travel restrictions are lifte, but will be honoure for the full semester of stuy. stuents cannot choose to remain offshore an receive the rebate for future intakes.
  • unergrauate an postgrauate coursework stuents are eligible for the rebate.
you can fin more information about the rebate on our website.
return to campus plan 
a few weeks ago, i wrote to provie an upate on our return to campus activities an enrolments for the secon half of 2020. i'm please to be able to set out our plans in more etail for you an your continuing stuents toay. 
you may have seen recent meia regaring a pilot program for the reamission of international stuents to south australia. we are working closely with the state government to progress this pilot, an expect to be able to announce further etails shortly. we can't wait to welcome as many of our international stuents as possible back to campus as quickly as we're able. in the meantime, we're committe to supporting our stuents wherever they are, for as long as it takes.
key points:
  • the health an wellbeing of our staff an stuents continues to be our priority.
  • the university has evelope a three-phase plan an etaile timeline to guie our return to campus. more information will be ae to this page as our planning progresses.
  • your stuents' best chance of success is to continue their stuies to the greatest extent possible. this will mean stuents are able to transition to face-to-face learning when they are able to return to campus.
  • we will provie as many courses as possible in remote moe for offshore stuents.
  • if a stuent nees to take a course that is not offere in remote moe, they can speak to their faculty stuent support office for information an avice to suit their iniviual circumstances.
  • from 13 july, continuing stuents will be contacte an aske to check their timetable an enrolment for upcoming stuy perios, beginning with semester 2. stuents are responsible for checking their own enrolment.
  • we will continue to keep you an your stuents informe through email, myuni an social meia as our plans progress.
stuy options for the rest of the year 
right now, we're working on reshaping our timetables to ensure australian public health guielines can be met an that remote options will be available for our offshore stuents. 
for the remainer of 2020, beginning from semester 2, our courses will be elivere in one of three moes: 
remote: the course will be fully online an accessible to offshore an interstate stuents - no face-to-face components are inclue. 
blene: the course will have a combination of face-to-face teaching an online teaching. so, for example, lectures will be online but stuents may nee to atten tutorials or practicals in person. in some instances, these courses will be able to accommoate elaying the face-to-face component, so that stuents will be able to take the online components of the courses straight away an complete the face-to-face components when they return to aelaie. 
ual: blene an remote moe versions of the same course will be elivere concurrently. offshore stuents will be able to take these courses in the remote version. 
we will provie stuents with avice on how to enrol ﹙or check their existing enrolment﹚ as soon as our major semester 2 timetabling changes are complete on 13 july. stuents stuying in trimester 3 will be contacte by their faculty about the moes in which their courses will be offere. 
from july 13, stuents will nee to check their timetable for the courses they have alreay enrolle in, upate these enrolments if there are class times or moes of elivery that suit them better, an enrol in any aitional courses if they wish to.critical ates regaring last ay to a/rop courses an census ates still apply. 
the timeline has more information to help stuents navigate the milestones. 
our plan to return to campus 
the health an wellbeing of our staff an stuents remains our number one priority. this, an the whole of university return to campus approach, have guie a careful an consiere three-phase plan for stuents base in aelaie. more information on what will happen in each phase is available on the covi-19 response webpage
on't forget that all of our stuent support services will still be available to help all of your stuents, who are either stuying on campus or remotely. all services can be contacte by phone or email an many offer chat an appointments via zoom. 
we will keep you informe as we move through the phases towars a full return to campus. faqs are available on the cov-19 response website


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