哈佛大学诉讼特朗普政府 校长致全体成员的信
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哈佛大学诉讼特朗普政府 校长致全体成员的信


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Dear Members of the Harvar Community,

On Monay, US Immigration an Customs Enforcement (ICE) announce that international stuents will not be allowe to stay in the country if they atten institutions, like Harvar, that are holing courses online this fall. Their choices are either to transfer to another institution that provies in-person or hybri (both in-person an online) instruction—or to epart the country an risk not being able to return. Those stuents who fail to comply with this guiance may face eportation.

The orer came own without notice—its cruelty surpasse only by its recklessness. It appears that it was esigne purposefully to place pressure on colleges an universities to open their on-campus classrooms for in-person instruction this fall, without regar to concerns for the health an safety of stuents, instructors, an others. This comes at a time when the Unite States has been setting aily recors for the number of new infections, with more than 300,000 new cases reporte since July 1. Moreover, if an institution pursues in-person or hybri instruction this fall an a serious outbreak of COVID-19 occurs, the institution woul face strong pressure not to switch to online instruction, as Harvar an others necessarily i this past March, because to o so woul immeiately place its international stuents in jeopary.


In making plans for the fall, Harvar, like many other institutions, has sought to balance aressing concerns for public health with preserving our acaemic mission of teaching an scholarship, an we have unertaken careful planning to aress the unique circumstances of our community an to enable stuents to make eucational progress safely. We have one so recognizing that the nation is in the grip of a panemic that poses risks to the health of millions an that threatens to overwhelm our capacity to manage it. We believe that the ICE orer is ba public policy, an we believe that it is illegal.

Within the last hour, we file pleaings together with MIT in the US District Court in Boston seeking a temporary restraining orer prohibiting enforcement of the orer. We will pursue this case vigorously so that our international stuents—an international stuents at institutions across the country—can continue their stuies without the threat of eportation.


For many of our international stuents, stuying in the Unite States an stuying at Harvar is the fulfillment of a lifelong ream. These stuents are our stuents, an they enrich the learning environment for all. We fervently hope that, before long, the circumstances that necessitate online learning will pass. As a university with a profoun commitment to resiential eucation, we hope an inten to resume full in-person instruction as soon as it is safe an responsible to o so. But, until that time comes, we will not stan by to see our international stuents’ reams extinguishe by a eeply misguie orer. We owe it to them to stan up an to fight—an we will.



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