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★欢迎拨打热线电话:152 2166 7629(可加微信)即可咨询金吉列留学上海美国部首席咨询顾问季永杰老师,或者可以添加微信号:jyj283051322960,就可以咨询美国留学申请啦!有美国留学相关问题的同学和家长也欢迎关注季老师美国留学微信公众号:jjl-jyj,将为大家呈现更多精彩内容!


与2018年的申请文书要求一致,UC系统2019年的申请文书题目仍然要求申请者在所给的8个题目中任选4个来写,每篇essay不超过350个词;所给的8个题目及解析如下: Freshman applicants: Personal insight questions, Answer any 4 of the following 8 questions: (8选4,每个Essay不超过350 wors)

1.Describe an example of your leaership experience in which you have positivelyinfluence others, helpe resolve isputes, or contribute to group effortsover time. 能展现你的领导力的经历,可以是你如何积极影响他人,或者帮助解决争论,或者是对团队的贡献。美国留学专家咨询

Things to consier:A leaership role can mean morethan just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as theperson in charge of a specific task, or taking the lea role in organizing anevent or project. Think about what you accomplishe an what you learne fromthe experience. What were your responsibilities?Di you lea a team? How i your experience change your perspective onleaing others? Di you help to resolve an important ispute at your school,ch urch, in your community or an organization? An your leaership role oesn’tnecessarily have to be limite to school activities. For example, o you helpout or take care of your family? 思路解析:此题的关键在于对leaership的理解,可以从以下几个方面思考: A. 领导者这个角色不仅仅是个头衔,它更代表着一种责任和影响力。B. 你是如何在团队中带领他人或者组织策划某个项目的 (不只局限于校内)? 你从中学到了什么?你是如何尽到领导者这份职责的?

2.Every personhas a creative sie,an it can be expresse in many ways: problem solving, original an innovativethinking, an artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express yourcreative sie. 每个人都有创造性的一面,其表现形式也都不尽相同,比如解决问题、原创思维或者独特艺术手法等。描述一下你的创造力。

Things to consier: What oes creativity mean to you? Do you have a creative skill that isimportant to you? What have you been able to o with that skill? If you usecreativity to solve a problem, what was your solution? What are the steps youtook to solve the problem? How oes your creativityinfluence your ecisions insie or outsie the classroom? Does your creativityrelate to your major or a future career? 思路解析:创造性creativity是此题的关键。对你而言,独特的创造力是什么?你曾用你的创造力做过什么?如果让你用你的创造力解决问题,你的解决方案是什么?你采取的解决问题的步骤又是什么?你的创造力是如何影响你在课堂内外的表现的?创造力跟你的专业或未来职业相关吗?

3. What woul yousay is your greatesttalent or skill? How have you evelope an emonstrate that talentover time?你最大的天赋或者最擅长的技能是什么?你是如何培养并表现你的才华的?

Things to consier:I f there’s a talent or skill that you’re prou of, this is the time toshare it. You on’t necessarily have to be recognize or have receive awarsfor your talent (although if you i an you want to talk about it, feel freeto o so). Why is this talent or skill meaningful to you? Does the talent comenaturally or have you worke har to evelop this skill or talent? Does yourtalent or skill allow you opportunities in or outsie the classroom? If so,what are they an how o they fit into your scheule? 思路解析:如果你有令你骄傲的天赋或者技能,那就勇敢地分享出来。这项技能不一定要得到过表彰或者认证的,只要是对你有特别意义的都可以。这项技能你是如何得到的?天生的还是你努力刻苦训练得来的?它是否为你在课堂内外争得过哪些机会?如果有,请描述一下这些机会,以及你是如何安排计划自己的时间的?

4. Describe howyou have taken avantage of a significant eucational opportunity or worke to overcome aneucational barrier you have face.


Things to consier: An eucational opportunity can be anything that has ae value to youreucational experience an better prepare you for college. For example,participation in an honors or acaemic enrichment program, or enrollment in anacaemy that’s geare towar an occupation or a major, or taking avancecourses that interest you — just to name a few. If you choose to write abouteucational barriers you’ve face, how i you overcome or strive to overcomethem? What personal characteristics or skills i you call on to overcome thischallenge? How i overcoming this barrier help shape who are you toay? 思路解析:教育机会可以是任何为你的教育经历增加价值或者为你上大学做好准备的事。比如,参加荣誉项目、学术拓展项目、职业或者专业培训、或者你感兴趣的高阶课程等。如果要写你所面临的教育障碍,那么可以写你是如何克服或者试图克服这些障碍的?在克服障碍过程中,你得益于你的哪些性格或能力?这段经历对你个人成长的影响是什么?

5. Describe themost significant challengeyou have face an the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How hasthis challenge affecte your acaemic achievement?描述一下你曾面临的有重要意义的挑战及你是采取什么方法克服这个挑战的?这个挑战对你的学业成绩有什么影响或者是如何影响你的学术的?

Things to consier: A challenge coul be personal, or something you have face in yourcommunity or school. Why was the challenge significant to you? This is a gooopportunity to talk about any obstacles you’ve face an what you’ve learnefrom the experience. Di you have support from someone else or i you hanleit alone? If you’re currently working your way through a challenge, what are youoing now, an oes that affect ifferent aspects of your life? For example,ask yourself, “How has my life change at home, at my school, with my friensor with my family?” 思路解析:这项挑战可以是个人的,也可以是你在学校或社会中遇到的。这项挑战为什么对你有重要意义?你是自己解决的还是从得益于别人的帮助?如果你正在经历这个挑战,那你现在是怎么做的?这对你的生活产生了什么不同的影响? 比如问一下自己“我的生活在家里、学校或朋友间发生了怎样的变化?”

6.  Describe yourfavorite **acaemic subjectan explain how it has influence you.描述一下你最喜欢的学科并解释它是如何影响你的。


Things to consier:Many stuents have a passion for one specific acaemic subject area,something that they just can’t get enough of. If that applies to you, what haveyou one to further that interest? Discuss how your interest in the subjectevelope an escribe any experience you have ha insie an outsie theclassroom — such as volunteer work, internships, employment, summer programs,participation in stuent organizations an/or clubs — an what you have gainefrom your involvement. Has your interest in the subjectinfluence you in choosing a major an/or future career? Have you been able topursue coursework at a higher level in this subject (honors, AP, IB, college oruniversity work)? Are you inspire to pursue this subject further at UC, anhow might you o that? 思路解析:讨论下你对该学科的兴趣是如何发展的,描述一下你课内外的经历,比如,志愿者活动、实习或者工作经历、暑期项目、学生组织或活动等——参与其中你获得了什么成就;你对该学科的兴趣是否影响了你的专业或职业选择,你是否接受过该学科的高阶阶段,比如说,上过荣誉课程、AP/IB课程、或者参加过大学类活动等。你是否被激发想在UC进一步学习该课程 ,以及如何学习? 

7.What have youone to make your school or your community a better place?你做过什么让你的学校或社区变得更美好的事情?

Things to consier:Think of community as a term that can encompass a group, team or aplace — like your high school,hometown or home. You can efine community as you see fit, just make sure youtalk about your role in that community. Was there a problem that you wante tofix in your community? Why were you inspire to act? What i you learn from your effort? Howi your actions benefit others, the wier community or both? Di you workalone or with others to initiate change in your community? 思路解析: 任何你觉得合适的地方,你都可以将之定义为“社区”,比如一个组织、一个团队,或者一个地方,像你的高中、家乡、家庭等地方。一定要讲述你在该社区中的作用。 这个题目的重点在于贡献。学校,社区,或是家庭,你在里边担任什么角色?你想要解决什么问题?为什么想做这件事?解决问题的过程中你学到了什么?你的行动对他人或更广泛的社区有哪些好处?是独立完成的还是和别人合作?

8. Beyon what has alreay been share in yourapplication, what o you believe makes you stan out as a strong caniate foramissions to the University of California?  你认为能让你从其他申请者中脱颖而出的一个特点是什么?

Things toconsier: If there’s anything you want us to know about you, but in’t fin aquestion or place in the application to tell us, now’s your chance. What haveyou not share with us that will highlight a skill, talent, challenge oropportunity that you think will help us know you better? 思路解析:永远都要记住,自己就是这个世界上独一无二的自己。请深度地剖析自己、展现自己。你认为什么能让你成为加州大学众多学生中的一员?如果想让一个陌生人了解你,你会怎样展示自己?你还有哪些不为我们所知的特长、技能、挑战或机遇,任何你觉得能让我们更了解你的事情?只要能展示“你”,不用和别人比。 正如官网中所强调的,所有问题的关键都在于“personal”这个词,说白了,就是学校更希望通过更多的问题来了解你的个人性格、特长、背景、兴趣爱好和经历等多方面的特点!所以,小伙伴们不用怕,尽情地骄傲地展示自己的独特性和你的优势吧!

★欢迎拨打热线电话:152 2166 7629(可加微信)即可咨询金吉列留学上海美国部首席咨询顾问季永杰老师,或者可以添加微信号:jyj283051322960,就可以咨询美国留学申请啦!有美国留学相关问题的同学和家长也欢迎关注季老师美国留学微信公众号:jjl-jyj,将为大家呈现更多精彩内容!

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