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加拿大主要大学(排名不分先后,按省份归类)关于教育学硕士(Master of Eucation, Master of Arts in eucation)的信息(含学校官方网址),包括教育学分支选择,GPA和语言要求。供有意申请or了解加拿大教育学的申请人参考!其他要求,比如GRE(没列出来不代表不需要),请到学校官网再次确认。绝大多数学校不要求GRE。个别学校会recommene。


80% (Project 211 or 985universities only) 211或者985大学至少80%

85% (all other universitiesin China) 非211和985大学至少85%


University of Alberta阿尔伯塔大学

Eucational Policy Stuies

Entrance Requirements


  • GPA:3.0/4.0
  • TOEFL:93 (internet-base) with a minimum of 24 on the Speaking an Writing
  • IELTS:6.5 with a minimum score of 6.5on each ban

Eucational Psychology in

  • PsychologicalStuies in Eucation
  • CounsellingPsychology
  • Measurement,Evaluation an Cognition
  • SpecialEucation
  • Schoolan Clinical Chil Psychology
  • SchoolCounselling
  • TeachingEnglish as a Secon Language
  • Technologyin Eucation Specialization
  • HealthSciences Eucation

Prospective Grauate Stuents


  • GPA:3.0/4.0
  • TOEFL:93with a score of at least 24 on speaking an writing, an 20 on reaing anlistening
  • IELTS:IELTSscore of 7 with no ban less than 6.5

Stuents are NOT require to complete the GRE foramission purposes.*


Apply to the Program


  • GPA:3.0/4.0
  • Two years of teaching experience
  • TOEFL:93with a score of at least 24 on speaking an writing an 20 on reaing anlistening
  • IELTS:Overallscore of 6.5 with a minimum score of 6.5 on each ban

University of Lethbrige

M.E. (General)Multiple Literacies in Canaian Classrooms

M.E. (EucationalLeaership)

M.E. (CounsellingPsychology)

Future Faculty of Eucation Grauate Stuents


  • GPA:3.0
  • TOEFL:93
  • IELTS:overall score of6.5, an a minimum of 5.5 in each ban

Approximatelytwo years of successful teaching orother relevant eucational experience.*

Aitional amission requirements

Counselling Psychology

  • Relevancy of unergrauate egree (preference for egrees in Eucation or Psychology followe by egrees in Social Work or Nursing).
  • Breathof unergrauate courses in counselling, eucational psychology or psychology.Particular emphasis is pai to courses in human evelopment, personality,psychology of learning, an counselling skills.
  • Relevant work an/or volunteer experience. Preference is given to applicants who have two or more years of teaching an/or counselling experience. Volunteer experience in counselling settings is also esirable.
  • Eucational Leaership
  • Relate experience. Preference is given to applicants who have leaership experience an/or emonstrate leaership potential.


Simon Fraser University西蒙飞沙大学

Faculty of Eucation每年开放的Program不太一样,具体program可以参考官网

Simon Fraser University


  • ArtsEucation MA, M.E.
  • CounsellingPsychology, MA, M.E.
  • Curriculum& Instruction Founations M.E.
  • EucationalPsychology MA, M.E.
  • EucationalTechnology an Learning Design MA, M.E.
  • SeconaryMathematics Eucation M.Sc., M.E.
  • TeachingEnglish as an Aitional Language MA, M.E


  • MinimumOverall Acaemic Staning
  • 80% (Project 211 or 985 universitiesonly)
  • 85% (all other universities in China)
  • IELTS:7.0with a minimum of 6.5 in each section
  • TOEFL:93with minimum of 20 in each category


Programs | Faculty of Eucation


Ault Learning an Eucation (MED)

Ault Learning an Global Change (MED)

Art Eucation (MA, MED)

Counselling Psychology (MA, MED)

Cross-Faculty Inquiry in Eucation (MED)

Curriculum an Leaership (MED)

Curriculum Stuies (MA, MED)

Early Chilhoo Eucation (MA, MED)

Eucation Technology (MET)

Eucational Aministration an Leaership

Eucational Stuies (MA, MED)

Higher Eucation (MED)

Home Economics Eucation (MA, MED)

Human Development, Learning, an Culture (MA, MED)

Kinesiology (MA, MED)

Literacy Eucation (MA, MED)

Mathematics Eucation (MA, MED)

Measurement, Evaluation an Research Methoology (MA, MED)

Meia an Technology Stuies Eucation (MA, MED)

Moern Languages Eucation (MA, MED)

Museum Eucation (MED)

Music Eucation (MA, MED)

Physical Eucation (MA, MED)

School Psychology (MA, MED)

Science Eucation (MA, MED)

Social Stuies Eucation (MA, MED)

Social Stuies Eucation (MED)

Society, Culture an Politics in Eucation(MED)

Special Eucation (MA, MED)

Teaching English as a Secon Language (MA, MED)

Technology Stuies Eucation (MED)

University of Victoria维多利亚大学


Master's programs

  • CounsellingPsychology
  • Masterof Arts (project-base or thesis base)
  • InigenousCommunities Counselling program
  • Eucational Psychology
  • Special Eucation (ME, MA)
  • Learning an Development (ME, MA)
  • LeaershipStuies
  • Eucational Aministration an Leaership
  • Ault Eucation an Community Engagement

Curriculum &Instruction MA/ME

Grauate programs

  • Artseucation
  • Curriculumstuies
  • EarlyChilhoo Eucation
  • Language& Literacy
  • Mathematics,Science, Social Stuies, Eucational Technology


  • Minimum grae point average of"B" on the last 30 units (2 years) of unergrauate work, an some programs require two years’ successful relevant professional experience.
  • TOEFL:90 with the following minimum section requirements: Listening 20; Speaking 20;Reaing 20; Writing 20
  • IELTS:Aminimum Overall Ban Score of 6.5, with no score of less than 6.0 on each

Thompson River University汤姆逊河大学

Master ofEucation

Master of Eucation


  • GPA of 3.00 on a scale of 4.33
  • TOEFL(IBT):88 with no section below 20
  • IELTS:6.5 with no bans below 6.5
  • GPA低于3.0但高于2.5的可以考虑Grauate Certificate in Eucational Stuies,要求如下:
  • GPA2.50
  • IELTS— 5.5 minimum Or complete ESAL courses tolevel 0400(学校语言课程)

Vancouver Islan University温哥华岛大学

Master ofEucation in Eucational Leaership

Master of Eucation in Eucational Leaership

Master of Eucationin Special Eucation

Master of Eucation in Special Eucation


  • teachingexperience (two years preferre)
  • acumulative grae point average of "B" in the final two years
  • TOEFLIBT 88 with no sections uner 20, or IELTS 6.5 with no ban uner 6.0

费用:Full Program Tuition$24,981


University of Manitoba曼尼托巴大学

Master ofEucation

University of Manitoba - Grauate Stuies -

  • Curriculum,Teaching an Learning
  • EucationalAministration, Founations & Psychology


  • GPAof 3.0 (B or equivalent) in the last two full years (60 creit hours) of stuy
  • TOEFL:86minimum score of 20 in each
  • IELTS:6.5
  • Two or more years of teaching or appropriate work experience

Branon University布兰登大学

Master of Eucation

Eucation Grauate Stuies | Branon University

  • SpecialEucation
  • Guiance& Counselling
  • EucationAministration
  • Curriculuman Peagogy


  • A B.E. Degree (明确要求了本科要是教育学哦)
  • A vali teaching certificate(有效的教师资格证)
  • a minimum two years of teaching experience
  • GPA:3.0
  • TOEFL:92 or IELTS:7

新不伦瑞克(英语:New Brunswick

University of New Brunswick纽布伦斯威克大学

Master ofEucation

Grauate Stuies | Programs | Eucation | UNB

· AultEucation

· Counselling

· CriticalStuies in Eucation

· CurriculumStuies

· EucationalAministration an Leaership

· ExceptionalLearners

· InstructionalDesign


  • GPAof 3.0 (B)
  • TOEFL:Minimum score of 80) incluing the Test of Written English - TWE (minimum score of 25)
  • IELTS:Minimumscore of ban 7
  • at least 1-2 years of relevant teaching or relate professional experience


Memorial University of Newfounlan纽芬兰纪念大学

Master of Eucation

Grauate Stuies

  • Eucational LeaershipStuies
  • Curriculum, Teachingan Learning Stuies
  • Counselling Psychology


  • GPA:70%average in last 30 attempte courses
  • TOEFL:80or higher
  • IELTS:6.5or higher


Brock University布鲁克大学

Master ofEucation

  • Aministrationan Leaership in Eucation
  • Socialan Cultural Contexts in Eucation
  • Teaching,Learning, an Development

Amission Information


  • GPA:本科最后两年minimum75% (Brock University equivalent)
  • TOEFL:88with no section uner 20
  • IELTS:7.0with no section uner 6.0
  • Successfulteaching or other professional experience is an asset

Master of Eucation - International Stuent Program (ME - ISP)

  • Aministration& Leaership
  • Teaching,Learning & Development

Master of Eucation - International Stuent Program (ME - ISP)


  • GPA:overall Grae Point Average Brock equivalent of 75%
  • TOEFL:80
  • IELTS:6.5
  • Professional work experience is a valuable asset but not necessary.


University of Winsor温莎大学

Master ofEucation

Masters Program

  • Curriculum Stuies
  • Eucational Aministration
  • Secon Language Acquisition, Culture an Society


  • GPA:B range overall an at least a B staning in the last twoyears
  • at least one year of successful professional experience in eucation
  • IELTS:7.0(or above) in three of the four areas of reaing, writing, listening an speaking,with the other being no lower than 6.5.

Master of Eucation-CEPE

Amission Requirements

  • Curriculum
  • Eucational Aministration
  • Language Acquisition, Culture an Society


  • GPA 70% an at least a 70% average in the last two years of your acaemic stuies(when converte to Ontario stanars)
  • 7.0 score in the IELTS test or a TOEFL score of 100 (ibt)

P.S. 温莎的MED也regular和CEPE(Centre for Executive an Professional Eucation). 申请要求上看,regular要比CEPE的项目要严格一下,有一年专业工作经验的要求,并且同样是雅思7分的要求,regular要求单项不低于6.5.

University of Toronto多伦多大学

Master ofEucation

Ontario Institute for Stuies in Eucation of the University of Toronto

Department ofApplie Psychology an Human Development

§ CounsellingPsychology

§ DevelopmentalPsychology an Eucation

Department ofCurriculum, Teaching an Learning

§ CurriculumStuies an Teacher Development

§ Languagean Literacies Eucation

Department ofLeaership, Higher an Ault Eucation

§ AultEucation an Community Development

§ EucationalLeaership an Policy

§ HigherEucation

Department ofSocial Justice Eucation

§ SocialJustice Eucation


  • GPA:mi-Bequivalent: 80-82%
  • TOEFL:93 is require (with a minimum score of 22 for both the writing an speaking components)
  • IELTS:7.0(Acaemic)with at least 6.5 for each component

University of Ottawa渥太华大学

Master of ArtsEucation

§ in Counselling Psychology

Master of Arts Eucation Concentration in Counselling Psychology

§ in Health Professions Eucation

Master of Arts Eucation Concentration in Health Professions Eucation

§ in Leaership, Evaluation, Curriculum anPolicy Stuies

Master of Arts Eucation Concentration in Leaership, Evaluation, Curriculum an Policy Stuies

§ in Societies, Cultures an Languages

Master of Arts Eucation Concentration in Societies, Cultures an Languages

§ Stuies in Teaching an Learning

Master of Arts Eucation Concentration in Stuies in Teaching an Learning

§ in Women's Stuies

Master of Arts Eucation Specialization in Women's Stuies

Master ofEucation Concentration

§ in Counselling Psychology

Master of Eucation Concentration in Counselling Psychology

§ in Health Professions Eucation

Master of Eucation Concentration in Health Professions Eucation

§ in Leaership, Evaluation, Curriculum anPolicy Stuies

Master of Eucation Concentration in Leaership, Evaluation, Curriculum an Policy Stuies

§ in Societies, Cultures an Languages

Master of Eucation Concentration in Societies, Cultures an Languages

§ in Stuies in Teaching an Learning

Master of Eucation Concentration in Stuies in Teaching an Learning


  • overallunergrauate average of 70% (B)
  • TOEFL:100,min. score of 25 writing
  • IELTS:7overall, min. score of 7 in 3 iniviual tests an 6 in fourth test


York University约克大学

Master ofEucation – Language, Culture & Teaching

Eucation - Language, Culture & Teaching


  • GPA:80%
  • TOEFL:100
  • IELTS:7.5

Ryerson University瑞尔森大学

Master of Arts inEarly Chilhoo Stuies (MA)

Ryerson University


A four-year honours Bachelor's egree from a recognize institution with aminimum B grae point average (GPA) in: Early Chilhoo Eucation/ Political Science/ Disability Stuies/ Social Work/ Chil Development/ Psychology/ Chilan Youth Care/ Sociology


96-100%=A+ 80-82%=B
90-95% =A 75-79%=B-
87-89% =A- 60-74%=C, D

  • TOEFL:93
  • IELTS:7

Western University韦斯顿大学

Master of Arts inEucation Stuies

Master of Arts inCounselling Psychology

- Grauate an Postoctoral Stuies


GPA:Minimum" staning (70%) orequivalent in the final two years of stuy

TOEFL:86 with no iniviual score below 20

IELTS:An overall of score of 6.5 with noiniviual score lower than 6


Queen’s University皇后大学

Master of Eucation

Faculty of Eucation

§ CurriculumTheorizing

§ EucationalStuies

§ Literacyan Cognition

§ LiteracyEucation

§ SpecialEucation


  • professional experience, a B.E. egree or its equivalent, an a minimum of a B- (70-72.9%)average in a Bachelor's egree or its equivalent, or
  • two years professional or inustrial experience, an a minimum of a B- average in aBachelor's Honours egree or its equivalent, or
  • a B.E. egree, an a minimum of a mi-B (73-76.9%) average in a Bachelor'segree or its equivalent
  • TOEFL 88, mae up of the minimum scores in each component test as follows:

Writing test: 24/30

Speaking test: 22/30

Reaing test: 22/30

Listening test: 20/30

  • IELTS: 7 (minimum score, acaemic moule)

Lakehea University湖首大学

Lakehea University

Master of Eucation (ME)

Master of Eucation (ME): Eucation for Change

Master of Eucation (ME) with Specialization inGerontology

Master of Eucation (ME) with Specialization in Women'sStuies


  • An acceptable three year or four year Bachelor's egree an Bachelor of Eucationor equivalent, each with at least a secon class staning (B) OR Two years professional experiencean a minimum "B" average in a four-year Bachelor's egree orequivalent
  • (TOEFL)with a minimum score of 100


University ofSaskatchewan萨省大学

EucationalAministration M.E.

Eucational Aministration

  • Two or more years of successful teaching experience

EucationalPsychology an Special Eucation M.E.

Eucational Psychology an Special Eucation

a. Schoolan Counselling Psychology

  • Atleast one year of successful work experience in a human services fiel
  • this program requires specific courses from your unergrauate egree

b. EucationalPsychology an Special Eucation

EucationalFounations M.E.

Eucational Founations

EucationalTechnology an Design M.E.

Eucational Technology an Design

Curriculum StuiesM.E.

http:// gra.usask.ca/programs/ curriculum-stuies.php

  • A minimum of one year of practical experience in eucation or a relate fielpost egree if the applicant hols a BE egree or a minimum of three years ofpractical experience in eucation or a relate fiel post egree if theapplicant oes not hol a B.E. egree.
  • 所有分支的GPA和语言要求都是一样的,个别是要求1-2年的工作经验。申请要求:
  • GPA:73%(U of S grae system equivalent) in the last two years of stuy (e.g. 60 creitunits)
  • TOEFL80 with minimum scores of 20 in each area
  • IELTS Overall score of 6.5 with no score below 6.5 in each area

University ofRegina里贾纳大学

Master's Degree Programs

Master of Eucational Aministration (ME EADM)

Master of Eucational Psychology (ME EPSY)

Master of Curriculum an Instruction (ME EC&I)

Master of Ault Eucation (MAE)

Master of Human Resource Development (MHRD)

Maîtrise en éucation française

Master of Inigenous Eucation (MIED)


  • the applicant must have a four-year egree applicable to the program (normally aBE, BHRD, or BAE, or equivalent);
  • at least two years of teaching or other relevant professional experience;
  • a minimum grae point average of 70%.
  • TOEFL 80 with a minimum of 20 in each of the four components
  • IELTS 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each ban



Eucational Stuies(MA)

Option A: MA without thesis

Option B: MA with thesis

https://www. concoria.ca/acaemics/ grauate/eucational-stuies.html


  • a minimum GPA of 3.00 (B average)
  • havea minimum of two years professional activity in eucation or an unergrauaterecor which inclues at least three courses in eucation, each with a grae ofB or better.

EucationalTechnology (MA)

https://www. concoria.ca/acaemics/ grauate/eucational-technology-ma.html

Master of/Magisteriate in Arts with Thesis (Option A)

Master of/Magisteriate in Arts without Thesis (Option B)


  • Anaverage of at least a B in the major or equivalent
  • Aninterview may be require.
  • TOEFLiBT results of 90+ with no part uner 20
  • IELTSscore of 6.5+ with no part uner 6.5

McGill University麦吉尔大学


  • Eucational Leaership
  • Eucation& Society
  • Secon Language Eucation

https://www. mcgill.ca/ise/gra


https://www. mcgill.ca/eu-ecp/progr ams


Professional/Internship(non-thesis) concentration

Project(non-thesis) concentration

School/ApplieChil Psychology

Research Project(non-thesis)

EucationalPsychology Program

Health Professions Eucation concentration

Human Development concentration

Learning Sciences concentration


https://www. mcgill.ca/eu-ecp/progr ams


Course-base concentrations:

General Eucational Psychology (non-thesis)

Inclusive Eucation (non-thesis)

Learning Sciences(non-thesis)

Research-base concentrations:

General Eucational Psychology Project (non-thesis)

Inclusive Eucation Project (non-thesis)


  • TOEFL86 overall, no less than 20 in each of the four component scores
  • IELTS6.5 or greater (Acaemic moule)


MED的GPA要求大概为CGPA:A minimum CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 in unergrauate stuies is expecte. Pleasebe aware that a CGPA of 3.0 is a minimum requirement only an oes notguarantee acceptance.

MA的GPA要求大概为Allcaniates must have a minimum CGPA of 3.2 out of 4.0 over the final two yearsof full-time stuy. This CGPA requirement, along with the successful completionof a Bachelor's egree, is a minimum requirement only an oes not guaranteeacceptance. The average CGPA of all stuents amitte into the MA inCounselling Psychology in past years has average 3.65-3.70 out of 4.0.


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